
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Outfit: Lazy Summer

I've worn this shirt for the past four days. Gross? Maybe. Comfy? Hell yes! I wore it twice with these shorts, once with jeans when it was raining (it was the first times wearing jeans in two months!), and once with a gray skirt. What can I say -- it's the middle of summer and I'm being a lazy dresser. 

All I've been doing lately is going to the pool to read, swim, write, and relax. It's pure bliss.

Shirt: Forever 21 {similar, similar} | Shorts: Forever 21 {similar} | Bag: Old Navy 
Necklace: Urban Outfitters  | Sandals: Forever 21 {similar}

P.S. -- I noticed that I've gotten a whole bunch of new followers lately
and I just want to say a big 'ole HELLO!
If you want to know more about me, check out my Q&A!

P.P.S. -- I'm a Bonlook affiliate, so I know they're having two sales right now!
1. Two for one summer sale: buy one pair of select bestsellers and get a pair of
sunglasses from the Traveler's Collection!
2. There's a back to school promotion: if you buy a "chocolate" pair of glasses
you can get $15 off with coupon code CHOCO15.

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  1. Hi Sara,
    I am back :)I could not follow your posts lately,sorry
    You look pretty!
    I am happy to hear that you have new followers.
    Best wishes,

  2. i'm obsessed with those sandals, can't believe they're from forever! this is a great laid-back look for summer.

    Alicia / River City Chic

  3. I totally re-wear things too! The striped top looks so cute with your glittery sandals.

    The Tiny Heart

  4. That shirt looks SO cute & cozy, no wonder you can't take it off :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  5. Super cute and comfy outfit! I wish I could spend my days by the pool!

    New follower! I found you at MLAT! :)

  6. I don't think you're alone in wearing something a few times in a row during summer. Isn't that how it's supposed to be? Lazy and cute is what summer is in my book lol


  7. I love those sandals!

  8. glad to hear you are enjoying summer!
    I haven't wear jeans but once either in a month or so ...yay summer!

  9. Dearest Sara, may I first say that NO it is not gross to wear a shirt that many times! I (eek) wear my jeans sometimes four to five days in a row...unless I get stuff on them, which usually happens. Unless someone is sweaty and gross themselves, I don't judge! The shirt looks adorable on you! And also, I love love love your delicate gold knot ring!!!

    1. Thanks, Rachael! Sometimes I just have to wear something a million times until I get sick of it haha!

  10. Fun shirt and pretty sandals! I know what you mean, it's hard to want to get dressed when it is waaaaaaaay hot out!

  11. It's always nice to be lazy. Love your shoes and that ring!

  12. I LOVE your turquoise bow ring! I have a silver bow ring that I never want to take off. (And I can see why you've worn that shirt so much; it does look super comfy.) xoxo

  13. this looks comfy and i love your bow ring!

  14. I love casual outfits like this :) you look great. I'm new to your blog and a big fan already. Will have to browse through more of your posts!



Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥