
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April Wishlist

I hope so far you're all having a wonderful week! If you celebrate Passover, like me, then I hope you're having a great holiday! I visited family on Monday and Tuesday night and ate lots of delicious, but bread-less food. For the rest of the week I'm going to be craving pasta and cookies and sandwiches -- all of the food that I can't have!
April Wishlist
{April Wishlist

♥ Payless sandals -- I already bought these and I'm so excited to wear them!
♥ J.Crew Factory skirt -- I just love the little detailing and how it could be worn a million ways
♥ Target top -- For those cold spring and summer nights
♥ Modcloth dress -- I can't stop looking at the pretty color!
♥ The School for Good and Evil #2 -- So excited to get my hands on this book!
♥ Ruche top -- I really like the embroidery and the soft peplum on this
♥ Ruche ring -- It seems like I can never stop collecting rings 
♥ Payless heels -- They're different than my usual style, but there's something about them I like

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  1. I love those sandals! I'm trying and trying to find a pair of brown flat sandals secondhand, but I might have to break down and get some new ones. Those are super cute, so they're on the list of maybes!

  2. The sandals you got a really cute! I need some new ones for the spring :) Happy passover, Sara!

    The Tiny Heart

  3. Excellent food is always a plus when one is biding or living with family..
    Unlike everything in your website, specially shoes
    Keep in touch

  4. very cute blog sara! Love the Ruche top :)

    Hope you're having a lovely day ! xx
    ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

  5. That modcloth dress!? Adorable! I really love your style <3

  6. Wow I can't believe those heels are from Payless! They look like a great pair that would go will so many outfits!
    xo Adri

  7. I love all of your wish list items!n Those heels are awesome!

    ♥ Naomi Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups

  8. i love that dress!


Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥