
Thursday, April 12, 2012

DIY: Neon Color Block Clutch

When my mom gave me a plain black clutch, I knew I had to update it with some pink neon!

What you need:
  • Clutch
  • Painter's tape
  • Sponge brush
  • White acrylic paint
  • Neon pink acrylic paint (or any color your heart desires)
  • Patience and music
 Step 1. Tape off all the sections you don't want painted.
(Mine's completely covered because initially I was going to use spray paint.)

 Step 2. Use white paint in a downward motion so no paint goes underneath the tape.
Let it dry for an hour or so.

 Step 3. Re-paint with white for a nice, thick base.
Let it dry competely.

 Step 4. Start painting with color.
You might have to do several coats like I did, letting it dry in between.

 Step 5. When the color is as desired and dry, peel off that tape!

I can't wait to use this as a fun, bright bag to punch up a neutral outfit.


  1. this is so cool!!! amazing job, i would never even think to do something like that! so crafty sara! I'm inspired :)

  2. i love that shade of pink. this is a great diy xx

  3. looks awesome!! perfect color too!

  4. Thank you! I was looking for a pink/orange clutch, now I can paint my own design :) So glad I found your blog!!!


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥