
Friday, May 11, 2012

Inspirational Quotes (via Pinterest)

Only two more days of classes to go and my semester is over! Yay! But if you're still studying for finals, or had a rough week at work, or just need a little boost then here's a little bit of inspiration for your Friday.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend! I'm seeing Dark Shadows with Jackie and I can't wait!

P.S. -- Today is Eat What You Want Day, so put aside that salad and scarf down on some fries!

This to-do list cracks me up so much! I love the second one and the fourth one!

(All images via Pinterest)


  1. yay i can't wait! did you get messages about this weekend? do you wanna pick me up at work at 5:30 or my dads house at 6ish?

  2. Yes, I did, miss Jackie. See ya on the morrow!

  3. Really great reminders :) Congrats on being just about done!

  4. Amazing quotes. The To Do List made my morning :]

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. I'm so glad! Thanks for letting me know! You totally made my day!


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥