
Monday, July 23, 2012

Life Lately: Vacation Pt. 1

So, it turns out that we didn't end up going to Disney World after all. Either my dad didn't know the difference or he only decided to go to Universal when he saw the prices for Disney tickets. Ha! Whatever it was, Universal Studios and Universal's Islands of Adventure were absolutely amazing! There was so much to do, so much to see, so much food to eat, and so much screaming on rides to do.

On Day 1, my family and I took a plane from Westchester Country Airport to Orlando International Airport. After getting settled at the hotel, we ate at Sweet Tomatoes (why aren't there any in New York?) and shopped at Downton Disney.

Day 2, we went to Universal Studios! The weather was perfect, we went on (almost) all the rides we wanted to go on, ate lots of dessert, and saw Miranda Cosgrove sing. By the end of the day, my feet were so sore, and I only got more blisters as the days wore on, but it was worth it!

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  1. that's too bad you didnt go to disney :( but it looks like you had lotsa fun! i really wanted to go to sweet tomatoes when i was in florida a few months ago but we never got to go!

    1. It's okay that I didn't go to Disney because Universal is the shit!

  2. it's okay, Universal Studios is super cool! did you go to the five different islands they had? like harry potter world and the superhero land?

    1. Yep, I went to the Islands of Adventure! The pics are coming tomorrow, so stay tuned!

  3. You went to the wizarding world of Harry Potter???????????
    I am fucking jealous right now! Please please please tell me more about it!!!


    1. Hahaha! The pics of the Wizarding World are coming tomorrow! It was the greatest thing EVER! I want to go back asap!


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~Sara ♥