
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Did you know that breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the United States, and that the chance of a woman having breast cancer in her life is 1 in 8? Because of this, the American Cancer Society invests more in breast cancer research than any other cancer type. Luckily, since women have been getting more life-saving screen tests, death rates have been decreasing. Right now, there are 2½ million breast cancer survivors in the United States.*
If you want to help with the fight against breast cancer, so that families don't have to lose loved ones anymore, you can find out more, learn how to get involved, and donate. Or you can help by buying something {more cute things to purchase here}, which will show the world that you contributed and hopefully that little pink ribbon  will inspire others to help out, too.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month

{Click for item info}
Reduce your risk of getting breast cancer by being physically active, by eating healthy, and by limiting alcohol intake. If you're over 40, get a mammogram and breast exam every year, and women of any age should check their breasts reguarly for anything unusual.
(Facts found on Making Strides)


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥