
Monday, December 24, 2012

Words & Wisdom {Writing}

I need to do A LOT of writing this winter break (as mentioned here)! So far I only have 92 pages of my novel written and I'm still only in the beginning / almost middle of the story. I don't like talking about the plot too much, but it combines murder mystery, alternate history, and religion (and lack thereof).
I saved the following quotes and pictures so that I can feel inspired, and so that it will hopefully guilt me to write...

Wish me luck!

P.S. -- I saw this on Sidewalk Ready:

On Monday, December 24th at 5:00pm, please light a candle (or use a flameless battery-operated candle) for the victims and their families of Sandy Hook, Newtown, Connecticut and place it at the end of your driveway and it let burn through the night. As you do this, please reflect on what has happened, on your families and friends, and on what we cand o as a community to protect each other. This is not limited to one town, state, or even country. Please, wherever you are in the world, share this with your friends and participate. Your support is incredible.


(Images via Bookoisseur)


  1. great post honey, i really love the third sentence!


  2. I love collecting quotes and little inspiration bits, often I'll write them down in my notebook in addition to pinning them/saving them on my computer. Best of luck with your novel this break, will you be posting any of it on here? :)

    -Sara, Road to the Heart

    1. No, I don't think I'll be posting it on here for a while. Right now it's all a mess, so I want it to be as close to perfecion before I show it to the world.

  3. I love quotes 2, 3, 8, and 9! Really great post! Have a very Merry Christmas!


Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥