
Friday, January 25, 2013

Simple Pleasures

listening to this song from the Beautiful Creatures trailer,
spending lots of time reading in bed,
getting back into the groove of exercising and eating healthy,
taking pictures everyday for the photo a day challenge,
reading a pile of magazines on a sunny day,
my dad buying me sparkly flats,
indulging in Oreos and loving every minute of it,

also loving this cool song,

doing a fun DIY for my sister,


laughing after finding a copy of The Indy's Naked Issue.
Yep, my old college (Purchase College) came out
with a yearly issue where people posed completely naked!
What are your simple pleasures lately?
 (Image via Britta Nickel)


  1. Reading is one of those things (whether books or magazines) that I always find such pleasure in but don't do enough of.

  2. What a stunning pic! Love all these little things too :)

    Alexandra xo

  3. I can't wait to see your photo-a-day challenge! You always take beautiful photos :)

    ♥ Naomi {Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups}

  4. yay for sparkly flats! I've been enjoying dates with the boyfriend.

    xo erica

  5. It's the simple things in life that reeally make it worthwhile - for me lately, it's been trying a new pastry shop or teahouse every weekend :) Hurray for sparkly flats, can't wait to see them!


Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥