
Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Blogger Book Swap: Childhood Favorites

Today I'm linking up with Nina of run(dance)love to talk about my favorite books from childhood!

ONE | When I Have A Little Girl by Charlotte Zolotow

This is my favorite childhood book! I remember my mom reading it to me at night. It's about a little girl telling her mother that when she has a little girl of her own her daughter will be able to do all the things she wants, like go outside without a coat at the first sign of spring or only take a bath once a week. I love how fun this book is.

TWO | The Very Little Girl by Phyllis Krasilovsky

I loved this book when I was young because it's about a girl who is very little, and since I've always been small in a way this book spoke to my small-ness, but shows that no matter how small you are you can still do big things, like be a big sister (which I also am). 

THREE | Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson

Everyone knows and loves this book and for good reason. It's so wonderful and imaginative. A young boy, armed only with a purple crayon, goes on an adventure because of the things that he himself drew. It shows just how powerful your imagination can be and still rings true almost sixty years after it was published. 

What are your favorite childhood books?

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  1. When I have a Little Girl sounds so adorable!!!
    Thanks for linking up!

  2. I loved Harold and the purple crayon!! It was what inspired me to draw on the wall, which also got me in trouble. haha. Your first book reminds me of "Pat the Bunny". Good book. I loved books that I could touch and smell. =]

    1. I never drew on the wall, but I always wanted to when I was little!

  3. I've actually never read any of these books, but Harold and the Purple Crayon sounds like one I would have loved! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

  4. These all sound so sweet. This was such a fun topic to either re live and remember past favorites, or look into new ones.

  5. I've only heard of Harold- I'll have to check out the other two; they sound super cute!


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~Sara ♥