
Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Blogger Book Swap: Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover

Happy Mother's Day!

I'm linking up with Nicole of Three 31 for the next Preview to Summer: A Blogger Book Swap post! Today's post is about cover designs and not judging books by their covers. 
ONE | Do you judge a book by its cover?

I really try not to because a beautiful cover doesn't always mean the writing inside is going to be marvelous, that the plot is going to sweep me off my feet, or that I'm going to root for the characters. However, it's hard not to see a pretty book and be dazzled by it. But I usually judge a book based on the summary on the back; if it jumps out at me, then that's when I want to buy it. 

TWO | How important is cover design to you?

As a visual person, cover design is very important. The cover is indicative of what's inside (ie. plot, genre, themes, who the audience is), or at least it should be, so I like seeing elements of the plot shown on the outside, like a street showing Victorian England, a sword in a stone, a splatter of blood, or a striped circus tent. When book covers are too plain or so over-crowded with pictures that it's messy it doesn't make me want to pick up the book. It's the covers job to lure you in with what the tone of the book is going to be. 

THREE | Share your favorite book cover.
{I'm sure there are better and worse covers, but these are the ones I thought of first.}

I haven't finished reading The Thirteenth Tale yet, but I think the cover is amazing. I love how there are worn, classic-looking books on a book, how the books are piled, how crisp the photo is, and the little curve of the burgundy ribbon. My next favorite is Pride and Prejudice; I tend to really like the classic covers from Penguin and Barnes & Noble because they're usually paintings, which adds to the timeless and classic feel to them. 

My least favorite is One for the Money. I hate the colors and the blocky lettering, and the cover tells me absolutely nothing about the plot. Another one I dislike is Beautiful Creatures. I know this story is a Southern Gothic and it's supposed to be dark and moody, but I really don't like that's just a dark tree. I want a cover that tells me that this is about magic, history, and romance. 

FOUR | What book surprised you the most, despite its unappealing cover design?

What surprised me the most about Beautiful Creatures was the deep-rooted Civil War history and that this YA novel illustrated the fact that the past ripples into the present. Our collective past makes lasting impressions and affects us for generations, so it was wonderful to see this and see it done in an intriguing way. 

Also, I just read Dispatches by Michael Herr for class and despite it's hideously plain cover it was a surprisingly good read. When I realized it was about the Vietnam War, I groaned at first, thinking it would be overly-political, but as a war correspondent Herr wrote the experiences of the soldiers in a compelling and emotional way. 

FIVE | In your opinion, what makes a book cover intriguing?

To me, an eye-catching cover is emotionally evocative (dark, cheery, romantic, whimsical, scary, sensual, exciting). When I look at a book's cover I want to feel something. It should make me smile or freak me out a little or make me want to go on an adventure. The tone of what's inside the book should be depicted on the cover. 

P.S. -- Don't judge person by the book they read (or write)!

Do you judge a book by it's cover?
What kind of book covers do you like?

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  1. I love this post, Sara! Yesterday, in between loads of laundry and cleaning the kitchen, I watched Pride + Prejudice for the gabillionth time. I really like the 2005 film with Keira Knightley (Elizabeth) and Matthew Macfayden (Mr.Darcy). Who doesn't love Mr.Darcy?! A friend of mine named her dog Darcy, she's obviously a huge fan of P+P too. Happy Sunday! Happy Reading! Thanks again for joining the link-up. =)

  2. Amazing post! Just fabulous:)

    Win a pair of sunglasses:

  3. I should have totally mentioned Beautiful Creatures as one of my YA examples in my post but you hit it right on the head. So many YA covers are dark and ominous with a vibrant, color as the focal point. I wish they would branch out into something a little more unique. That cover tells me nothing about the story. I totally agree with your opinion on the Janet Evanowich cover- it reminds me of an 80's workout video. Thanks for linking up and sharing =]

  4. ooh sounds like fun! if only i had time to read.. so swamped lately!

    and yes let's follow each other! following you on bloglovin'


  5. Check out my post, I do judge a book cover, even though I hate admitting it.
    I also hate when the cover tells you little or nothing about the book, or even worse, when it is irrelevant to the content.

  6. I love the cover of The Thirteenth Tale! It's actually been sitting on my shelf for forever waiting to be read. Beautiful creatures' cover is also very appealing.

  7. I totally judge books! Or I do and then I have to say to myself, hey wait a minute! Dont do that! Haha, I used to work for an independent bookstore and we used to receive readers copies with blank covers and I actually really loved that!


  8. this post is so perfect for you, since you like to do those inspiration posts on book covers! while the book itself and the cover don't always have much to do with each other, the cover of a book is art in it of itself. art can take on many forms, including a book cover!


Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥