
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Inspired By: Moonrise Kingdom

Directed by Wes Anderson, this quirky comedy-drama follows twelve-year-old orphan Sam Shakusky in 1965 on the New England island of New Penzance. While attending a Khaki Scout Camp called Camp Ivanhoe, Sam meets Suzy Bishop, who lives on the island with her parents and younger brothers. Both introverted and intelligent, Sam and Suzy have been pen pals since last year; they have fallen in love and have decided to run away together. This film is silly, cute, and very funny. 

Sam Shakusky 
Inspired By: Moonrise Kingdom -- Sam
Sam (Jared Gilman), the soft-spoken Khaki Scout camper, brings camping equipment when he and Suzy decide to run away. They hike, camp, and fish together in the wilderness since he knows what to do. To dress like Sam wear an olive romper, patches, bright yellow scarf, yellow belt, white lace backpack, and brown oxfords. Or for a more modern interpretation, go with an army jacket, olive button up, jean shorts, brown flats, and a yellow purse. 

Suzy Bishop
Inspired By: Moonrise Kingdom -- Suzy
Suzy (Kara Hayward) was performing in a play when she and Sam first met. When they run away, Suzy brings with her binoculars, six books, her cat, and her brother's battery-powered record player. For a colder climate, wear a pink jacket, yellow dress, a burgandy beret, floral socks, and saddle shoes. Or if you're going out, try a pink dress, green earrings for the beetle ones that Sam makes for Suzy, nude heels, and a yellow bag. 

Captain Duffy Sharp
Inspired By: Moonrise Kingdom -- Captain Sharp
Captain Duffy Sharp (Bruce Willis) is an Island Police officer and has been having an affair with Suzy's mother, Laura, but is a kind-hearted man. Since the officer dresses in black and white, try donning a color-blocked shirt, black jeans, a black and gold watch, and black booties. Or for a summer look, wear a white shirt, distressed black shorts, metallic belt, gun earrings, and studded sandals. 

Did you see this movie?
What was your favorite part?

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  1. This is so cute! I haven`t seen Moonrise Kingdom, because I`ve been disappointed by so many of Wes Anderson`s movies, but the plot actually sounds really sweet. And I love the looks you put together, especially the one for Suzy - it`s so girly and sweet and perfectly 60s :)

    1. I'm not a huge Anderson fan, but this film was really great! I would recommend it!

  2. This is so perfect.

  3. I really liked this movie...and LOVE the quirky!

    The Other Side of Gray

  4. I have not seen the movie but it seems fun. Suzy's look is lovely, so romantic! I shared my food art on Insta, Thank you!!

  5. This is perfect! I enjoyed MK (though, not as much as some of his other films - just personal preference) and this totally captures the spirit :)

  6. I like how Suzy brings her cat :) The items you chose for Captain Sharp are bad ass, i love the spikes!

  7. Moonrise Kingdom!! :D What kind of bird are YOU?

  8. I like it always, dearest Sara, if you transfer a film to outfits and here you were absolutely successful again! I like each of the outfits which you designed <3

    xx from Bavaria, Rena

  9. fun sets! i am loving the first one...anything military/khaki is a yes for me!
    Lulu & Georgia GIVEAWAY

  10. this is super cute, I really love the movie and I think Wes Anderson always does a great job with the overall look of his films, always great/inspiring colours :)

  11. I absolutely adore that movie! I'm super inspired by it. You found the most adorable picks!


  12. I watched the movie on the plane and loved it! I can't say which part I liked best because the film was shot so beautifully. It reminded me a bit of The Royal Tenanbaums (of course, Mr Anderson's influence).
    Big fan of the gun earrings though!

    ps I'm hosting a giveaway on my blog if you want to check it out :)

    x Gi

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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥