
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Outfit: Simply Chic

Guys, how pretty are these earrings? I'm not sure why, but I kind of stopped wearing earrings about a year ago. I was so into them for years and years, but somehow I lost interest. Well that's all changed. I received these lovely orchid earrings from Simply Chic and can't stop wearing them! I have a nickel allergy (my earlobes get really itchy), but these plated fishhook wires haven't resulted in any issues at all. These earrings go with everything, the length is perfect, and add a touch of girliness!

I wore this outfit to a work event -- the Women in Business Luncheon -- and had a great time interacting with professional female business leaders. Jean Chatzky of the TODAY show was the keynote speaker and she spoke amazingly well about her journey to success and what it's like to be a woman in business. Here are some of my favorite quotes from her speech:
"Every woman has a superpower." 
"Walk through doors that open." 
"This life-work balance thing is a crock." 
"Women need to step up and help each other. If we can lift each other up and stand in each other's corner we can change the world. And not just for us, but for our daughters and granddaughters."  

Use code SARA15 for 15% your entire order over $20 until Nov. 30!

Earrings: ℅ Simply Chic | Sweater: Express (via giveaway) | Dress: Target
Tights: old | Heels: Payless {similar}

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  1. Those earrings are the cutest. Plus I love the print of the dress.

  2. thats such a pretty sweater dress, i loved the pattern

    u must do outfit posts regularly

    Keep in touch

  3. Dear Sara, not only the earrings are really pretty, you too! Do you know how lovely you look in this beautiful dress? I like this combination on you so much <3

    xx from
    Germany/Bavaria, Rena

  4. that outfit is perfect for an event about awesome, strong women!

  5. I love this outfit! I don't wear earrings any more either. I used to wear gold hoops all the time (during my more... Wild Jessica!) then I just stopped after I had a bad reaction from wearing some cheaper earrings. Wah!


  6. That dress looks so cozy! And ah, I feel you -- my earlobes are super sensitive too, so it's difficult when wanting to wear some more crazy ones!

    Sara // Dear Skim

  7. I adore this dress and the earrings! I saw this on IG and loved it!

    BTW thanks for your comment earlier - there is also a giveaway on the blog I forgot to post!

    Tiffany Ima
    Style Honestly

  8. Adore that dress, and yes those earrings are so cute! I have an earring obsession - I completely feel naked if I leave the house without them!

  9. Such pretty earrings! and I absolutely love this dress on you! Such a pretty print.


  10. Those earrings are so pretty! And I love that dress, that print is so perfect for the season. Love the quotes too, it sounds like it was a great event.

  11. Super cute earrings and I adore a good black and white outfit with a pop of color! Love how Jean said we need to all lift each other up...totally agree.

    xo erica

  12. Wow you're right about those earrings! They are GORgeous! They add just a hint of color to your outfit too which I like a lot. Adorable!

  13. Such a cute dress! Great! I also love winter dresses! There are so many beautiful ones!


Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥