
Monday, June 29, 2015

Favorite Things

{Starbucks gift card from Shantel, Laduree macarons, Too Faced Melted Lipstick in Jelly Donut
Urban Outfitters Moon Dish from Naomi, Brandy Melville rings (stone, medieval), 
Watch  ℅ Jord, Birthday Party Candle ℅ And She Blushes {review}, 

It was a pretty amazing birthday month! All the love given my way for my birthday makes me one seriously lucky girl. Three blogger friends sent me the loveliest gifts -- Naomi got me a crescent moon-shaped dish, Martie got me a lime-shaped bag, and Shantel sent me a Starbucks gift card. You guys are the best! 

When I went to Israel four years ago, my Birthright group visited a store named Hadaya in Jerusalem. I really wanted yo get a custom engraved ring, but didn't get it until now. My dad bought it for me and I can't wait to receive it!

How fitting that I should light this Birthday Party candle, right?!

♥ A few fun links:

♥ Why I stopped planning out my life.

♥ How to build the business and life of your dreams.

♥ Tips for finding inspiration in your everyday life.

♥ Lessons learned (I love the part about 20 seconds of insane courage)

♥ Body positivity and mindfulness.

♥ Keeping positive through rejections.

♥ Thoughts about blog haters.

♥ How to care for sunburned skin.

♥ The Finish By Fall Challenge -- I'm thinking about doing this.

♥ You should definitely sign up for Clear the Way's LIVING the clear way lifestyle and health newsletter. 

♥ Sponsor love:

♥ Swap friends: All Things Natalie Christa, A Stylist's Scribbles, Crazily Normal, Emmy Jake & Christina Who?.

Happy Monday, friends!

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  1. that bag is way too cute


  2. OMG I absolutely love the Lime bag!

  3. Pauline Moi Non PlusJune 29, 2015 at 7:53 AM

    Lôve your lemon's bag :) !

  4. That lime bag is so cute!!

  5. I wish to always have a stock of Laduee macarons available for consumption in my home <3

  6. I will need to try those products out. :)

  7. Love that half moon dish! Glad your birthday was wonderful!

  8. Lovely favorites, Sara! I love the citrus crossbody!

    The Closet by Christie

  9. Ahhh that bag! I've been seeing fruit crossbodies everywhere lately.

    Angelina Is

  10. Happy be-lated birthday! Glad you had a great bday month! Lessons learned was a nice post... thanks for sharing the link! :)


Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥