
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Summer To Read List

My reading goal this year is to read 32 and I'm already at 30 books! I checked my Goodreads and did a double take. 30 books already and we're only halfway through 2015! So I've changed my reading goal to 45 books. Let's do this!

All of these books are either on my iPad or sitting on a shelf at home waiting to be read, so I have no excuse not to get to them. I really shouldn't buy any more books, so if you see me in a Barnes & Noble, knock that book right out of my hand!
 Jackaby by William Ritter
 The Fold by Peter Clines 
 A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
 The Wicked Will Rise by Danielle Paige
 The Water and The Wild by K.E. Ormsbee
 Lexicon by Max Barry
 Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood

What's on your reading list?
Have you read any of these books?

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  1. Oryx and Crake was great! Just finished it up at the beginning of the month - hope you enjoy it!

  2. I'm in the middle of figuring out my own summer reading list and it's hard to whittle it down! Some of these are on my list, though :)

  3. After you read ACOTAR we should plan another brunch so we can just gush about EVERYTHING<3!

  4. I just finished ALL THE LIGHT WE CANNOT SEE (loved!) and am just about to start ME BEFORE YOU by Jojo Moyes. Excited!

  5. Yesss, The Wicked Will Rise is so good! I feel like I should put together a summer reading list now; I've been seeing so many people do it, and it just seems like fun! (Usually I just wing it when choosing something to read.)

  6. Great reads! I plan on reading more thrillers this summer!


  7. I need to keep better track of the books that I read! I end up reading lots of cooking mysteries lol

  8. I wish I had more time to read, I think I want to read Divergent!

  9. haha you sound like me... I currently have 20-some books on my Kindle app on my phone AND I'm making a list of other books to buy. It's a! I picked a low goal of 20 books but have almost read 50! I've never read so much in my life. I love it! I haven't figured out how to change my goal on Goodreads so I will just make it a higher number next year. haha! I really want to read A Court of Thorns and Roses too! It sounds so good!

  10. I'm impressed by how much you read all the time. =]

  11. I have not read any of the above but Lexicon by Max Barry is also on my TBR this summer.


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥