
Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Etsy Faves

Shops on Etsy are seriously killing it lately! I could shop only on Etsy and be happy because there's so much on there. As you'll see below, I've been obsessed with bookmarks as of late. 
Alice in Wonderland. Legs in blue shoes. White stockings with black stripes. For her, for all, for kids, mom
I got a Wizard of Oz one for my mom and a ballerina one for my friend,
and now I really want one for myself!

6 Travel Temporary Tattoos Pack - SmashTat
How awesome are these?!

So freaking cute! I couldn't resist, so I got 5 Disney Princesses!

NEW LINE - Spells and Charms Notebook
If I needed more notebooks (which I don't), I would get this.

Warmhearted mineral eyeshadow, matte makeup, natural pigments, brown eyeshadow
The prettiest shade of brown. Yes, brown can be pretty. 

Hello pretty little thing!

Cherry Blossom Owl Soap - Natural, Handmade, Cold Processed, Vegan.
An owl-shaped soap? Yes please!

These are my favorite bookmarks! See which ones I got here.

Do you have any favorite Etsy shops?

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  1. That feather ring is beautiful! And I probably don't *need* anymore bookmarks, but the fact that they always seem to go missing is reason enough for me to browse through a few of those. I'm kind of loving that Alice in Wonderland one (though I'd probably get the Wizard of Oz one for myself)!

  2. Some of these are my favorite Etsy shops too! And ha! I bought the Wizard of Oz and ballerina bookmarks for myself a few months ago!

  3. I have a weird obsession with bookmarks...I own SO MANY despite the fact that I really don't read more than two things at once (sometimes I'll read a graphic novel and a book at the same time and switch back and forth). But I just love bookmarks! Love Etsy, my list there grows ever longer!

  4. All of these picks are so cute!!! I can't decided which is my fav...

  5. I have to stop myself from going to etsy, because I spend so much time on there! I love the spells and charms notebook... I NEED THAT!!!


  6. These are so cute. Great gift ideas, too!

  7. Brown can deffo be pretty!
    I love all the stuff - ALL THE STUFF!! I have to restrict myself from Etsy as it has a magical effect on my bank account...

  8. I love SmashTat and believe the zombie legs bookmark from MyBookmark is on my Etsy wishlist forever :)


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥