
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Four Podcasts To Listen To

We all know about Serial, but there are so many other fantastic podcasts out there in every genre you can imagine (crime, self-help, lifestyle, and more) that I feel like I haven't even scratched the surface of what's out there. Lately, I've been tired of listening to the radio and hearing the same three songs over and over, so I started listening to podcasts and it's made the short journey to work so much better. 

Mystery Show
On Mystery Show Starlee Kine solves eccentric and unique mini mysteries, such as if a video rent really existed or who previously owned a belt buckle or how tall Jake Gyllenhaal really is. Starlee solves these mysteries with one rule: The mystery can't be solved by going on the internet. She has to talk to people and use her "unorthodox methods."  This podcast is just too fun for words. 

Welcome to Night Vale
A small dessert town called Night Vale is not your ordinary town. Strange things happen there, strange people and things call it home, the interns always die, and no two days are ever the same. Welcome to Night Vale is community updates told by radio host Cecil. If you like the unusual (and if you liked the show Eureka) and the strangely supernatural, then this is the podcast for you. 

Breakfast for Dinner
Two cool people (Nicole and Dago) talk about culture, TV, fashion, politics, breakfast, sports and more on Breakfast for Dinner. These two crazy kids in Austin, TX are hilarious and just so fun to listen to and you automatically feel like you're friends with them. And it makes me happy that I got to meet Nicole back in January. 

Criminal is a podcast about crime, but in every facet of it from people who've done wrong to people who've been wronged to people who help solve crimes, and much more. If you miss Serial, then give this podcast a listen. It's dark, creepy, but absolutely fascinating. 

Podcasts I want to start listening to: Happier with Gretchen Rubin, InvisibiliaBoss Girl Creative, Call Your Girlfriend, WTF, The Allusionist, and The Truth. (Thanks to Megan for some of these recommendations!)

What are your favorite podcasts?

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