
Friday, December 11, 2015

Why You Should Fund Kickstarter Projects

You come up with an amazing idea. You work on it non-stop. You get other people involved. You work harder. Your idea starts to take form and then it's almost ready to be out there in the world. The only problem? You need money. So what do you do? You turn to Kickstarter

Throwing a few dollars at a project might not seem like a big deal, but that money helps to make someone's idea a reality, and there's nothing better than helping someone's dreams come true. If you agree with me, then you've probably funded a project or two as well. So far I've funded 6 projects (5 of which are books of some sort). 

I'll be honest, the first time I heard about Kickstarter, I didn't think I would ever fund someone's project. Why would I want to give someone my money, even if I did get something in return? How could I be sure I would get what it stated? But then I realized that I would want someone to throw a few dollars my way if I came up with a cool idea and put it on Kickstarter. 
So why fund a Kickstarter project?

First, because it means that YOU helped make that project, whether it's a graphic novel, backpack, film, or mug, a success. By giving just a little bit of money (or a lot, depending on what it is you're funding) you can help someone's idea become a real thing and it's always cool seeing your name as a backer. It makes me happy and proud to know I helped someone. 

Second, you get something awesome in return! And obviously, that's a big perk. You're funding a project not just because you like the idea but because you want it. I totally see a Kickstarter project and think gimmegimmegimme. It's wonderful when you open your mailbox and see the fruition of the project in your hands. 

Third, you're supporting artists, designers, writers, musicians, photographers, gamers, and cool, creative people. You get a behind the scenes look at the creative process while the project is going on. And the people behind successful projects sometimes create more projects that you can also back. 
and Terminal Protocol (this one's still going!). 

Have you ever funded a Kickstarter project?

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~Sara ♥