
Friday, January 8, 2016

My 2016 Resolutions

Like everyone else in the world, I'm amazed that it's already 2016! Why does the fall season go by so much faster than the others? It's my favorite and it's the prettiest in my opinion, so of course that means it flies by in a blur. And now it's a whole new year! I feel like I need something to look forward to, so I'm hoping to plan a trip somewhere (Boston maybe?) this year. 

It seems my resolutions get shorter and shorter. In 2015, I had three resolutions and now this year I only have two. 

2015 Resolutions

Exercise more
Finish my novel
Make more friends & hang out with people more

2015 was a fantastic year! Because of NaNoWriMo, I wrote the first draft of a new novel. It wasn't the story I had in my when I wrote my resolutions, but I'm just happy I finally finished the first draft of something. Hooray! 

I exercised a good amount during the first half of the year, but the free membership to a gym via work expired in July. But I did get a Fitbit in October and I try to hit my 6k step goal every day. So progress! I like to think I reached out to people more because I got to meet some really wonderful people in 2015 (hey Kristin, Jess, Kristin, and Marissa!) and hung out with my besties a ton. 
2016 Resolutions

Finish the two novels I'm working on

A writer's work is never done! I want to edit the first draft of my NaNoWriMo novel, which means adding new scenes, introducing new characters, and including a subplot. I'm also currently writing a fairytale retelling, which I'm in love with and I really want to finish the first draft by March. Then onto editing that too. #writerslife

Find an exercise I enjoy

Every year I say I want to lose weight and I still do, but I think I've always gone about it the wrong way. I jump right back into jogging on the treadmill and lifting weights and expect to see results when I always find it boring. This year, I want to experiment more with exercise. I want to try new things and genuinely find an exercise I like. I'm really hoping to find a good kickboxing class near me! 

Do you create a word for the year? My 2016 word is CREATE
In 2016, I want to write write write as much as possible! 

Do you have any goals for 2016? Do you have a word for the year?

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~Sara ♥