
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Outfit: Mostly Blue

A plain outfit for a lazy day. Should I go into how much I lurve this sweater blazer and how I need to work it more often? It was stuffed in the back of my closet, so it's like I shopped my own wardrobe.

It was only about three weeks ago that I miraculously discovered that my tripod's legs can be extended twice! TWICE! Why did I not figure this out sooner? Now my camera is almost up to my height, which I think makes for better pictures. And it makes getting detail shots so much easier. Thanks, brain, for eventually figuring this out.

Blazer // Forever 21
Dress // Forever 21
Leggings // Forever 21
Boots // Amazon {also at Urban Og}
Bag // eBay
Ring // Forever 21
Bracelet // BCBGeneration (gift)


  1. This outfit is so cute and looks so comfy! Also, the thing about your tripod cracked me up -- I too just recently figured out mine could extend a second time! I was so horribly excited about it. Glad I'm not the only one!

  2. I just admire girls who use tripods and cameras and take the whole picture taking business into their own hands. I wish I could get my act together...
    Lovely outfit, like the pop of pink - very sweet. x

  3. Haha, I was amazed to learn that my tripod did the same thing :) Looking great, girl!

  4. Love your blazer :))

    NEW POST! I wait your comment :) kiss kiss :*

  5. cute outfit. i really want to get a tripod for the times i'm alone and want to get an outfit post done.

    xo erica

  6. Your blazer is so cute! And even better that you found it in your own closet, I love when that happens - it's like having something totally new, with the added bonus of not having to spend a cent :)


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥