
Monday, March 11, 2013

Inspiration: My Novel

So I'm writing a novel.

I know I've mentioned this many times before, but I thought I would elaborate. I've been working on the same novel for about three years now. Although I keep saying I want to finish the first draft, the truth is I've changed a main part of the novel and am re-writting almost all of it, so technically I'm on my second draft. This is also the second novel that I've started (though the first one hasn't been finished yet).

So what is it about? Well, I'm not going to say. A writer (I think J.K. Rowling) once mentioned that you shouldn't give away your story idea, and it kind of stuck with me, so I really only tell friends and people that I have to tell (like those in my workshop classes). Nothing personal. It's just that right now this story is like my baby and I want it to be protected.

But I can tell you that the two main characters are Henry Bell and Samuel Caden and that they live in what used to be New York City. Henry wants his life to remain exactly how it is. Samuel on the other hand is on the run; he wants his life to go back to how it was. One day Henry comes across Samuel and their lives are changed forever.

I like using Pinterest to collect inspiration for what I think Henry and Samuel would wear. Somehow it helps me envision them better. Plus, it's also fun!

Henry Bell
Henry Bell, 28, is a history teacher. He's quiet, kind, shy, empathetic, he's very neat, patient, stubborn, and wants his life to remain exactly how it is, with the possible exception of finding a nice girl to fall in love with. Every morning, he drinks a cup of hazelnut coffee while reading the newspaper.

Henry's style is classic and somewhat preppy (think English professor). To work, he likes to wear gray blazers, blue and white collared shirts, striped ties, sweaters, dark wash jeans, and sometimes nice shoes, though mostly he just wears beat up Converse. On the weekends, he still wears button ups, but sometimes worn in t-shirts.
In my mind, he looks most like the guy on the bottom left, but clean shaven.

Samuel Caden
Samuel Caden, 27, owns a small construction company with a friend. He's friendly, laid back, compassionate, loyal, likes to laugh and joke around, he's messy, angers easily, and wants his life to go back to how it was before he became a fugitive. Every morning, he hums the same tune (which annoys Henry to no end). He always wear a bracelet with a carved stone bear on it.

Samuel's style is rugged and casual. He wears plaid button up shirts, t-shirts, black hoodies, brown jackets, dark wash jeans, Converse, lace up workman boots, and baseball caps.
He looks most like actor Michael Rady on the bottom right.
What do you think?
Is your interest piqued? (I really hope so!)
If you're a writer, do you also gather inspiration?

P.S. -- If you have any questions about writing or me or anything,
I would love to hear them and get back to you!

(Images via: Henry: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 // Samuel: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7)


  1. Your own novel, so exciting! The two main characters look very cute I think.

  2. How exciting that you're writing a novel! That is awesome :)

  3. its really cool getting to see more about your characters. what a great idea pinning what they would wear to help inspire you :)

  4. Pinterest is a great way to collect inspiration. I use evernote as well. By best wishes to you on your work in progress.

  5. Yowza, your guys have great style :) Can't wait to hear more about your novel... like when I'm buying it in the bookstores :)

  6. Your description of the novel is something that would be on the back of a book I'd definitely want to read!! And I love how you've used Pinterest to further your creativity!

  7. i like that you get ideas on what they would wear/look like from pinterest. what a fun way to help create a character in your head!

  8. =X I gotta say the first thing that popped into my my mind after "Oh cool she's a writer!" was "Woah these characters are so dreamy" Hahaha

    BUT I love meeting other writers! I have to say, my writing style is so sporadic and disorganized I can hardly adopt the label 'writer' and take myself seriously. I do peg myself as a creative person but most of the fireworks happen in my brain or through drawing. I'm such a visual person so I get lazy and decide to use that approach most of the time. I'd love to read some (when you're ready that is!) :D

    Castle Fashion

    1. I think you can still call yourself a writer even if you don't write all the time. At times I don't write for months at a time. You just have to get back into!

  9. Your novel sounds so interesting! I like writing too, but I'm not a writer, I'm only had a few short stories read nothing major :( one day I hope that changes though :) Great tip about using pinterest for motivation, I need to it :)

    A little bit Unique


  10. Right, I'm in love with Henry Bell and that shouldn't be.
    anyway, you are totally right about not giving or telling your writing ideas. I always stop others in telling there's to me and I never tell mine (except friends and these I trust) but this sound so interesting and I know you are hearing this often (becasue I do, when I say I'm writing novel or two) but you have a reader, when you publish it! yay for you!

  11. Your book sounds yummy and interesting already!!Please notify us when you do get published. I'm working on a story too but I'm currently writing series on my blog to help me improve my writing skills and to observe people's reaction. I think maybe you could try writing short stories for start and observe the response.

    I never thought of checking pintrest as an inspiration and it sounds like a good idea. I get inspired by things happening in my life, or a friend or something random which happens to hit the right chord.

  12. Thank you! Good luck with your writing!


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥