
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Photo A Day Challenge {June 2013}

After taking a few months off from Fat Mum Slim's Photo A Day Challenge because of school, I decided to get back into it since it's so enjoyable. It's challenging in the best way; it makes me think about the subject or object in question, the composition, the angles, the colors or lack of it, etc. Some were easier than others of course, and some turned out pretty mediocre, but that's all part of the fun. 

  1. B is for...{Ben/brother} // 2. A moment {at the MoMA} // 3. On my table {a half-read book}

 4. After dark // 5. Environment {flowers} // 6. Transport {Helicopter inside the MoMA}

7. Bright {the Rain Room} // 8. Animal {Princess} // 9. From down low {corner of Lexington & 57th} 

 10. You! // 11. Something funny {weird chair at the MoMA} // 12. 11 o'clock {running errands}

13. Kitchen {teapot} // 14. Texture {brick, wood, metal} // 15. From above 

16. Family {my brothers and I} // 17. Centered {a statue at the Met} // 18. Street {Upper East Side}

19. Currently reading {City of Bones} // 20. Cute // 21. Lunchtime

22. Enjoying life {seeing Man of Steel} // 23. Last {as NOT the last time I'll be eating Ben & Jerry's ice cream with Magic Shell!} // 24. Negative space

25. Sharp {knife} // 26. Empty {Who ate my Chinese food?} // 27. Into the sun

28. Red {lipstick} // 29. In my bag // 30. Handwriting

How did you do with the photo a day challenge?
Will you be doing it in July?

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  1. Congratulations Sara! Really well done. I have followed this from insta too and enjoyed it. Red lipstick day was the best.

  2. Awesome! I always lag behind and have to play catch up for 3-4 days at the end of the month, but I do enjoy these photo challenges :) It reminds me to, y'know, actually TAKE PHOTOS which I tend to forget to do.

    1. Thanks so much, Kristin! This was the first month where I didn't have to play catch up surprisingly.

  3. Beautiful moments! Love that lightbulb terrarium :)

  4. I should try to do this challenge too it's such a cool idea and it's always interesting to see what people choose to snap a photo of :)


  5. I like the idea of the photo challenge giving a little prompt of kind of what to picture. That's one I could probably follow along with and actually remember to take pictures for each day! Love your red dress in the family picture!


  6. Aww!! That's so cute!!

  7. great photos honey, i really love instagram!


  8. I love all of them, but especially no.9 "from down low". You take such lovely photos :)

    ♥ Naomi {Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups}

  9. I love your pictures. It's so cool that you were at MoM. I really really want to go there now. Also, I am about to do a "what's in my purse" post soon.

  10. I love your photos! This is such a good idea-- I might have to do it this month :)

  11. beautiful photos Hope you could visit my blog too and might consider following each other? =) just let me know =)


  12. I've been seriously considering doing one of the Fat Mum Slim Photo-a-Day challenges... I tend to take photos of the same things a lot; pastries, architecture and my outfits, I think it would get me outside of my comfort zone. Love seeing these little bits of your every day life - although now you have me craving ice cream ;)

    1. You definitely should! I would love to see the pictures that you take!

  13. i love that you did this again!


Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥