
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My Novel: Trust Fall Playlist

Trust Fall Playlist by SaraS on Grooveshark
Most of the time when I'm writing my novel, Trust Fall, I'm listening to music. I created a playlist that gets me into the mindset of the story, or into a certain mood for a scene. In other words, it gets me pumped! Well, not really since the tone of Trust Fall is dramatic, thoughtful, and moody most of the time. However, if I'm writing a fight scene (yep, there are a few of those), then I'll listen to upbeat and exciting songs. 

Not only does the mood of the song help me write, but in each song there's usually a phrase that reminds me of the story in some way. Here are some of the lyrics that inspire me to keep writing. 

  • VersaEmerge's "Stranger": "Stranger, I know so well / You got me tripping over myself / Can't trust in you / 'Cause as I reach for your hand / I still sink into quicksand / Isn't my good side worth rescuing?" 

  • OneRepublic's "Counting Stars": "Lately I been, I been losing sleep / Dreaming about the things that we could be / But baby I been, I been prayin' hard / Said no more counting dollars / We'll be counting stars / Yeah, we'll be counting stars." 

  • MS MR's "Bones": "Boy with a broken soul / Heart with a gaping hole / Dark twisted fantasy turned to reality / Kissing death and losing my breath / Midnight hours / Cobble street passages / Forgotten savages, Forgotten savages... / These are hard times / For dreamers." 

  • Katie Costello's "Stranger": Stranger I've known you for so long / I found you lost with a compass in the fog / Stranger you know me too much / Illusionary self had not been touched... / Stranger you've followed me so far / Until the roads converged, as did the stars." 
What do you listen to when you write?

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  1. Silence. I love silence. Not complete eerie silence, but just - peace and quiet! That's what I like to write to. I find music creates a mood that's really hard to replicate. But all the more power to everyone who loves listening to music while writing. :)

  2. I can't write with music on, but I do find music inspiring.

  3. I love that you're writing a novel. It depends what I'm writing whether or not I can listen to music. I love VersaEmerge, their lyrics are amazing.

  4. You're so inspiring! (I'm a science nerd, so especially inspiring to me since I feel like I'm illiterate sometimes). We also have quite the same music taste (I love grouplove and ms mr). And lately, I've been playing counting stars on repeat while I work out. Not really a workout song, but still it's so good. So I can see why this playlist would be perfect for you!

    A Southern Drawl
    Also, check out my friend's photography blog! She's so talented!

  5. First of all, I can't wait to actually read your novel. You are such an inspring and creative person, I really hope to meet you someday!

    Also, I LOVE listening to music when needing to be inspired. Lana del Ray is my new favorite. I can't wait to listen to some of your picks! :)

  6. I had a similiar playlist when I was working on my novel - it was also mostly moody, dark, sad songs, because those fit the tone of the book. I can't listen to those songs now without thinking of my characters!

  7. This is a great playlist! And I don't know how people write without music, it's like the words just flow through me while I'm jamming out lol Hope all is going well with the novel!


  8. That's so amazing that you're writing a novel!! Music always helps me work :)


  9. I love your playlist. I'm a big fan of some of these bands so I'm sure I'll like the rest as well!

  10. Such a great playlist! I love inspiring songs, and though I haven't written anything down quite yet, I've got my writing playlist already going in my head xD

  11. You're writing a novel? That's fantastic!

    I used to want to be a writer and honestly haven't written much since high school and college. I've always wanted to try my hand at a novel but have never gone beyond collections of short stories - that I believe still live in the closet of my room at my parents'.

  12. It's cool that you have a playlist. Wah, I can't write and listen to music at the same time. Short attention span. :P

  13. that's so cool, and so Sara, to have a play list for your book!

  14. Thanks! It's difficult but fun! You should definitely get back into writing! It's never too late!

  15. Awesome! I would love to see what you write!


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥