
Saturday, October 19, 2013


I'm sure you all noticed that my blog was down for a few days. Unfortunately, there was a malware problem that caused me a lot of stress, but it's all been resolved and my blog is up and running again. Yay! Anyway, I hope you're all enjoying your weekend!

**In return for free access to the REVOLT program, I am blogging once a week. All opinions are my own.**
So I started the REVOLT program last week (check out week 1) and it seems to be going pretty well. My arms and legs were pretty sore at the beginning of the week, but it was a good sore. When I weighed myself on Thursday, I was 126 pounds, but it could be attributed to the fact that I was stressed and when I get stressed I can't eat, but I'm going to say that it was also Revolt doing it's magic. 

The videos each day range from 15 to 20 minutes each and each week you get three videos: one cardio, one that targets your upper body, and one that targets your lower body. During the video it tells you to take a 30 second break or a 1 minute break, but I just blast on through because it means more sweat. Don't worry though, I do stop when I need to. Since the videos are on the shorter side, this week I did two a day since I had to skip Wednesday (for class) and Friday (went to the karate and yoga classes my dad teaches). 

Goals: Keep drinking more water! Keep exercising!

This Week: I definitely didn't work as hard on my exercises as I did the first week, but this coming week I want that to change. I'm going to make sure I find the time to do the exercises. I also didn't eat as well this week, so I want to remedy that next week. 

Weight: 126

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  1. Glad your blog is up and running again! :)

    And Revolt sounds like a pretty good program. I like the layout of it, from what you've described!

  2. Weird I have been running in to blogs where I get this pop message regarding malware. It would say it was for a site called or something like that even though this was not the blog or site I was trying to visit. Had you visited this site? Did it install the malware. I actually encountered this on a second blog as well...

    Ali of

  3. Yes, unfortunately it was from a widget I installed from Bangstyle. Many other blogs had the same widget. It wasn't Bangstyle's fault, but it was pretty upsetting that it happened. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Good luck, just came across your blog and I am, coincidentally, looking to lose a little weight, too. I will be looking to see how things go with the REVOLT program!


  5. I love how the program gives you variety throughout the week when it comes to your workouts - my problem is that I always get bored of the same routine (and that I'm also lazy, haha). Good luck with this and I can't wait to see how you like it!

    And I actually passed by Sushi Mike's when I was in Dobb's Ferry since it was along the bike path! I'll have to check it out next time. :)

  6. I'm glad you're back :) Good luck on this program- it sounds like a good one. I've been trying to keep motivated to do some type of exercise every day during my pregnancy but I'll be honest, most days all I want to do is lay around. Oh, who am I kidding? That's all I want to do when I'm NOT pregnant.

  7. Glad it's been going well! So cool how they give you different videos each week, keeps it from being boring :)

  8. yay i'm glad you got your blog fixed!!

  9. Exactly! I would hate for it to get boring because then I would stop!

  10. Haha, so true! All I want to do is be lazy! I'm glad you're trying to do some exercise everyday though!

  11. Thanks, Jen! You should definitely try it next time you're in Dobbs! They have great sushi and a fun mural on the wall of a mermaid and sea creatures playing musical instruments! :)

  12. Thanks so much! Good luck with your weight loss too!


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥