
Friday, November 8, 2013

Blog Business Cards

I've been wanting blog business cards for a while now and if you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen them already, but I wanted to show you how I created them in case you were thinking of getting your own business cards. 

It all started one day when I saw Gabby of Essentially Eclectic's tutorial for making her blog business cards. I fell in love with how easy it was to make my own business cards and how she had designed hers. The look was so simple, but still colorful and cute. This is definitely why mine look similar to hers. (Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, as they say.)

Before when I used the free Vistaprint business cards, I would use the ones with a cute background and don't get me wrong I still like them, but it makes it harder to focus on the meat of the card, which is your information. With a white background, the focus is the words, not the picture in the background.
I don't need to rehash all the details since Gabby does the tutorial beautifully, but I downloaded the business card template with the blue lines (so nothing gets cut off during printing), opened it in Photoshop, played around with where I wanted my information, added a QR code (go to Google and type in "QR code generator" to make your own!), and when everything was perfect I saved it. 

Per Gabby's recommendation, I went to Overnight Prints and got my business cards printed there instead of at Vistaprint. At Vistaprint, the lowest amount of cards you can get made is 250. That is way too many for me. At Overnight Prints, the lowest is 50, which is what I got for under $10. 

Anyway, what I'm really trying to say is Gabby has an amazingly helpful tutorial and you should check it out! Thanks, Gabby!

Do you have blog business cards?
Will you be getting them?

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 photo SincerelySaraPostButtonShort_zps1f3e9c17.jpg


  1. Ooooh they came out pretty! And that's ridiculously affordable. In my mind I always assumed business cards would cost a pretty penny. I'd love to get blog business cards... except I would have nobody to give them to lol.

    Mili from Call me, Maeby

  2. These look incredible! Definitely makes me want to create some cards!


  3. Yay, your business cards look awesome. I just did mine last week and am so thrilled to have them!! Happiest Friday, love!!

    By The Shore, a life + style blog

  4. Theyre so cute! I want business cards now!!

  5. Wow, congratulations!! I've been meaning to do this for such a long time myself, but I have no idea on the design so I keep postponing haha.

    Have a great weekend,
    Mary x

  6. You know I love your business cards! I really want some now too, I liked your idea of doing one blog on each side!

  7. I really need to make an effort to get these done–yours came out great!

  8. Your blog cards look nice, I am going to bookmark the post to refer when I need to get my blog cards..

  9. These are super cute Sara. I seriously need to update my cards.

  10. These looks awesome, Sara! My business cards are old as dirt and need updating - badly! The design is meh, unrelated to my blog, and doesn't reflect all of the important info and changes that have happened over the past few years (like, oh, my own actual domain name, etc.!) so I'm in the market. Love how these turned out :)

  11. oh Sara, those cards are darling as can be! i love the way you put them together with the cute floral header. i'm sure you're super stoked to start handing them out, they're so awesome!

  12. Oh my goodness love, these turned out AWESOME!!! I am so excited for you, you are like a pro! :)

  13. Gabby @ Essentially EclecticNovember 10, 2013 at 12:44 PM

    These seriously look great Sara! And I think they look very "you" and match nicely with your blog design. Way to go!! I'm glad the tutorial was helpful :) (I always worry those kind of tutorials don't make sense to anyone but me haha!)

  14. I LOVE your business cards! This has definitely inspired me to get the ball rolling and get my own blog business cards :) I've been putting it off for way too long!

  15. I love them! They really turned out great!

  16. These are awesome! I went to Gabby's blog to try the tutorial for myself (I was just going to pay to get my cards done at Moo but I don't like that you can't have the social media icons on the cards.) However, I can't figure out how to download the templates! Gah! I feel like a complete dummy. I'm not too experienced with Photoshop either so this will be an experiment. Mind helping a rookie out?

    A Coin For the Well

  17. I couldn't figure out how she got the template too! Instead I went to Vistaprint and searched to see if they had a template. Now that I think about it, I should've put that in my blog post. Oops! Anyway, here ( is where I got the template. I downloaded the PS version and it comes up with three layers, one of which has words called Guides, which you can unsee (using the eye), but sadly can't delete. Hope this helps! Can't wait to see your new business cards! :)

  18. Thanks! I'm glad I inspired you to get your own cards! I would love to see them!

  19. Thanks, Gabby!! Your tutorial was super helpful!

  20. I definitely am! I keep showing them to people for no reason! Thanks!

  21. If you make new ones, I would love to see them!

  22. I wasn't sure at first either, so I made one then saved it, then changed a few things and saved it again until i was done, then picked the one I liked most! Good luck!

  23. Ha, ya! I figured it out eventually! This is actually my first foray into Photoshop too and it's going alright! The layers tool is easier than I imagined it would be. I'm working on the opposite side of my cards right now. I didn't think this would be an all night affair, but oh well! Saving money and getting them exactly the way I want is worth it! :D

  24. I worked on it for a few hours as well! But it's definitely worth it because you made them exactly how you wanted them! :)

  25. How cute! I would love to invest in blog business cards.

  26. I love your business cards. I am trying to figure out how to design mine. Thanks for the link to both sites. Checking them out now.

  27. Thanks and you're very welcome! I can't wait to see yours!

  28. Your welcome. And mine won't be as pretty. Just simple and printed out at home, for now.


Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥