
Saturday, December 7, 2013


I usually like to keep my blog a happy place, but I'm going to be honest and tell you all that the past week and a half have not been good. I didn't exercise at,  all because I started having a dull pain in my right side near my hip that turned into a sharp pain. I was of course very worried and I wasn't sure if it was something really serious or if it was due to over-exerting myself. It didn't feel like a typical muscle strain, so I thought it was something bad.

Luckily, the pain decreased after a few days, but I still made an appointment with a doctor. My doctor ruled out me having an ovarian cyst (which I thought it might be), and after getting a sonogram, appendicitis was also ruled out. Turns out everything is fine. My doctor thinks it was either due to me missing my last period or muscle strain or both. No big deal, but I just hope the pain doesn't return.

I didn't think I was exercising all that hard and most weeks I'd only exercised two or three times a week for 30-40 minutes. For a little while, I'm going to stick to the cardio and arm exercises, and put the leg exercises on hold until I'm sure everything is fine.

One good thing (sort of) is that when I'm nervous I can't eat, so I ate considerably less this week. 

Goal: Exercise but don't over do it!

This Week: Drink water!

Weight: Forgot to weight myself. 

Don't forget to enter to win my two year blogiversary giveaway!
Don't forget to enter to win an iPad Mini!

**I'm writing this post in return for free access to Revolt.**
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  1. Oh, don't work out that much, once I overdid and I hit sick , like really sick..
    Now I stick to dancing
    Happy Weekend

  2. I'm glad everything was ok!

  3. I over did it last year and got tendonitis- not a good time! I'm glad you ok and hopefully on the mend!

  4. Dear Sara, how good that it turned finally out that everything is fine. I can imagine that this last week and a half were very hard for you. And I think it doesn´t make sense to exercise if one have pain!

    Wish you only the best and that you are not too hard with yourself <3

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  5. Phew, thank God all those major problems were ruled out. Good luck with your exercising this week :)

    Mili from Call me, Maeby

  6. I'm so glad you're okay! Take care of yourself!!!

  7. Glad you're ok :) Definitely don't work yourself to hard! I had a trainer a while back, and she was working me to hard... I pass out in the gym! I was also dehydrated, drinking water is very important.

  8. Being painful is never fun, but exercising a little is better than not exercising at all. kudos! I hope you feel better, Sara!

    Carla @ Love Cartista

  9. I'm glad you went to the doctor. Always good to get those things checked out and hope you feel better!!

  10. Bodies are so weird. Glad you went to the doctor to get things checked out, and glad everything seems to be ok! <3

  11. Glad to hear it wasn't anything too serious! Keep your head up and stay focused this week... you can do it!

  12. I'm glad it ended up not being anything serious! Remember health is always foremost so make sure you're eating and drinking enough! Feel better soon dear, and don't be too hard on yourself <3


  13. I hope everything lines up and you start feeling great about yourself soon!

  14. I am glad that nothing is wrong. Try to keep your feet warm darling. I hope your pain wont return.

  15. Thanks, Chelsea! I'm feeling much better!

  16. Yeah, I'm glad it was nothing serious! The doctor called me today and said that my white blood cell count is high, so my body is fighting an infection, which means I have to take antibiotics to help it out, but other than that I'm good!

  17. Thanks, Carla! Feeling much better!

  18. I'm taking a break from exercising and will instead focusing on eating better! Thanks!

  19. Thanks, Rena!! I'm feeling much better!

  20. Thanks! Yes, I've feeling a lot better!

  21. Dancing sounds like a great idea! Thanks!

  22. Well, take it easy regardless. Go white blood cells, go!


Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥