
Friday, January 10, 2014

Six Things I Can't Live Without + Sponsor: Dream Mo(o)re

Besides all the necessities, like food and shelter, family and friends, I wanted to do a fun blog post on the six things I can't live without.  

1. Computer / iPad

This is really obvious since I'm a blogger, but I couldn't survive without my computer. I'm tagging my iPad onto this because it's like an extension of my computer. Many of the things I do on my computer I do on my iPad. When I'm not blogging, I'm writing on my computer or checking blogs or watching movies or listening to music. If I'm not on my computer, I'm reading or watching TV on my iPad (thank you, iBooks, Overdrive, and Optimum apps!). 

2. Lip Balm

Despite how much water I drink, my lips always seem to be chapped. Burt's Bees and Blistex are old friends of mine, but I've recently started using eos lip balms, Korres lip butter, and Glory Boon lip balm. I'm always reaching for one of these products, and I keep one or two in my bag. 

3. Pen & Paper

When I have an idea, it needs to be written down or it will be lost forever. It will be like I never had it. What was that genius idea I had two seconds ago? No idea. Pen and paper must go with me everywhere. A cute little notebook is a must. These seven year pens are the best!

4. Blush

I love make up, but if I had to take one thing with me on a deserted island it would be blush, specifically Cover Girl's Blush in Classic Pink. Though if it's a tropical deserted island I don't think I would need it. Blush makes me look like I'm awake and alive. Coming in close second is black eyeliner. Most days if I need to rush out the door, all I put on is a swipe black eyeliner and blush. Two minutes and done. 

5. Books

Do all the books in the world count as one thing? I'm sure I could survive without books, but I wouldn't be happy about it, and I don't want to try. I read almost every single day and if I don't read on a given day it was because I was watching too much TV or just too damn tired. One of my favorites is the Word Cloud Classics version of Pride and Prejudice. The rubbery cover is too cool. 

6. Cardigans

My favorite clothing item, plain and simple. When I don't know what to wear, I reach for a cardigan, a cute shirt, and jeans. It's my go-to outfit and there are an endless combination of colors and ways to wear this, despite this outfit consisting of only three things. If the cardigan is purple then that's even better. 

I would love to see your six things! If you do this post, be sure to comment with a link or tag me on Twitter (@sincerelysara22).

♥ ♥ ♥ 
Welcome back Jessica of Dream Mo(o)re as a sponsor this month!
Hi there! I’m Jessica and I blog over at Dream Mo(o)re! I’m engaged and planning our wedding for June! I blog about my life, from wedding planning to family functions, to the occasional linkup, and anything in between. I love meeting new people and making new friends. Follow along as I navigate the road to wedded bliss and newlywedness! 

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  1. Aw BurtsBees!! Great post dear and great products. Nice inspiration for doing my own post about it :)
    wish you a nice weekend.

  2. I'm off to work, so I might need a reminder later to do this 6 Things... challenge, but I love the idea! And a rubbery (Jane Austen!) book cover? Nifty!

  3. Love that classic blush! I want an iPad to do graphics on but I feel spoiled with my MacBook Pro already :P

  4. I'm constantly using my iPad too...I use it more than my computer now! Have a great weekend, Sara!


    The Tiny Heart
    $50 PayPal Giveaway!

  5. lionstigersandfashionohmy.comJanuary 10, 2014 at 11:19 AM

    Yes, I would say I can't live without most of those :) Lovely blog!



  6. I'm a total ipad addict too. I use it for everything. Like, everything.

    Also, I come from a town called Cardigan! ;)

  7. Like you, dear Sara, I can´t also live without pink blush and cardigans. Further indeed pen and paper are also really important to me :)

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  8. This post is giving me some inspiration to also choose some things I can't live without and see if by the end of this year or next year my needs have changed. For now, 6 items I choose are: 1) Cardigans 2) My Laptop 3) My Piano 4) Notebooks/Planners 5) Textbooks 6) my exercising equipment

    Invisible Blush

  9. I need my ipad, pen & paper and lip balm with me all the time.

  10. im with you all of them esp number one, i run an online business and live on it so if i lost my laptop, I am screwed!

    thanks so much for your feedback re my paintings, im really glad you like them!

    Katrina Sophia Blog

  11. I also can't live without my iPad mini and Mac. My DSLR camera is a must for blogging, I would die and/or murder someone if I didn't have my Burt's Bees, and I need some sort of planner to keep my life in order. Oh, and a blazer.

  12. i love your precursor to this; besides food & shelter. haha! this is a fun select of great faves Sara. i'm mental about the iPad, especially because after too much time staring at my iphone's smaller screen my eyes kind of turn blue ;) and a good cardy really does make my day too!

  13. Besides food, water and shelter, my computer, notebooks and lip balm are all things I can't live without. Especially notebooks - just like you, if I have an idea that I don't write down, it's gone forever. Thank goodness for pens and paper!

  14. Pen and paper definitely! I like jotting down ideas on paper more than typing them up so they are a must have for me, haha :)

  15. Glad I'm not the only one who needs to write EVERYTHING down! :)

  16. Thanks, Lynn! So in love with my iPad!

  17. Yes, I definitely love my camera as well!

  18. I love the items you chose!! So amazing that you chose your piano! Wish I could play an instrument! :)

  19. Oh man, I want to live in a town called Cardian! Awesome! :)

  20. I use my iPad ALL THE TIME! I think I might need an intervention haha!

  21. Once you get an iPad you'll fall in love! Thanks!

  22. I would love to see your 6 things!! I love those rubbery books! I want more of them so badly!

  23. Ahh, well if you're even in the UK I'll give you a tour. We also have the original Wellington, which the boots are named after. Not the New Zealand one, they are just copy cats. ;)

  24. you know i'm addicted to lip balm too!

  25. Thanks! It's never too late to learn! :)


Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥