
Monday, February 17, 2014

Inspiration: Bedside Tables + Lung Leavin' Day

My bedside table is a plain wooden table that has a small pile of books, an small alarm clock, a small Bath and Body Works candle, a pill-shaped light, two pens, two lip balms, some notes, and a hard glasses case to keep my glasses in overnight. It's not the worst-looking table ever, but I was thinking of sprucing it up a little, so I turned to Pinterest for inspiration. 

I think some flowers, even if they're fake, would add some color, and moving my little macaron trinket box to my bedside table would up the cute factor. What's on your bedside table? Do you use anything unique as a bedside table?

P.S. -- I'm giving away $15 to Starbucks over on The Modern Austen's blog!

♥ ♥ 

Today I want to introduce you all to Lung Leavin' Day
This isn't a sponsored post, but I felt that this was something you all should know about 
and something you could participate in if you wanted to. 
Lung Leavin' Day 2014
Eight years ago, Heather Von St. James was diagnosed with mesothelioma; a rare cancer that kills most people within 2 years of diagnosis. She had just given birth to her daughter Lily, and was only given 15 months to live. After a life saving surgery that included the removal of her left lung, LungLeavin’ Day was born. On February 2nd, Heather celebrated 8 years of being cancer free.
The purpose of LungLeavin’ Day is to encourage others to face their fears! Each year, Heather, her husband, and her daughter gather around a fire in their backyard with their friends and family, write their biggest fears on a plate and smash them into the fire. They celebrate for those who are no longer with them, for those who continue to fight, for those who are currently going through a tough time in their life, and most importantly, they celebrate life! 
You can participate by "smashing" your fears into a virtual fire and spreading the word about Lung Leavin' Day! Learn more about Heather Von St. James and learn more about Mesothelioma
Did you "smash" your fears?
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  1. Heathers storey is so inspiring., :)
    Keep in touch

  2. No.1 I love all of the bedside table idea!
    No.2 Heather's fire idea is brilliant.

    You inspire me endlessly Sara. :)

    ♥ Naomi Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups

  3. I admit my bedside table is a total mess right now...I desperately need to clean it!

    The Tiny Heart
    Target Giveaway!

  4. Aw, thank you, Naomi!! Heather's interactive website is amazing and smashing virtual plates felt pretty good, though I think it would be a lot more fun to smash real ones!

  5. I'm glad you like this post! Thanks!

  6. I love the notion of sprucing up the bedside table. I keep mine relatively simple but this really is inspiring. Why not look at something pretty before bed? =D


  7. Love all the bedside tables!

  8. These ideas are amazing. I love the blue metallic table, I think is functional and love the layered extra space :)

  9. I love the ideas with the bedside tables so much and Heathers idea is really great!

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  10. I've really been wanting some nice faux flowers for my bedside table, they're so pretty and cheery. I have a pretty tray and lamp on my table right now.

    Kristina does the Internets

  11. What pretty inspirations! I actually don't have a bedside table, but these photos are making me want to commandeer my husband's :)

  12. I love this post so much! Your bedside table inspiration is, like spot on! I personally keep my poetry journal and favorite Rumi book, along with dried flowers and jewelry on my bedside table! I'd love to see photos of yours!
    And I also LOVE the LungLeavin' Day information! What a beautiful idea! xx

    <(") Hoda

    JooJoo Azad ~ Free Bird

  13. I absolutely love all of these inspirational pictures! Makes me want to decorate my entire room and possibly apartment as well. Also what an inspiring story, thank you so much for sharing it with us. Definitely a good idea and I will need to try it.


  14. I love the tree trunk one! My bedside table is a cool lamp/table combo but otherwise pretty lame, a picture, some flowers, alarm clock and books. Oh well, haha. I've never heard of Lung Leavin' Day - sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing.


  15. Mine is pretty lame too. I wish I had a tree trunk to use as a bedside table! Or a stack of old suitcases!

  16. Thanks!! I'm so glad you like this post!

  17. Thanks so much! Dried flowers and jewelry is a lovely idea!

  18. Yes, I need to add some faux flowers too!

  19. Thanks, Rena! I'm glad you like everything!

  20. That's one of my favorites too! I would love to spray paint a bar cart and use it!

  21. Yes! That is a great idea, and you save money!

  22. the tree one is really cool, i like that rustic look!

  23. i literally just took a picture of that heart mural so i can recreate it at some point because its so cool and such an awesome idea - definitely doing it in the future! love all the other stuff as well! flowers are so cute - we should do nice things for ourselves like that! my roommate in france used to get herself new flowers bouquet sometimes are singles like roses and put them on her desk just to treat herself and know she's worth it, i always thought that was brilliant! lovely my post my sara!!! xo

  24. I love the heart mural so much! It's so pretty and adds a personal touch!! I should start getting flowers for myself! You're right; it's nice to do something for yourself once in a while!

  25. I really like the bedside tables picture, and this change my mindset about how to design the bedside tables. turns so many unique designs.


Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥