
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Outfit: Blue Tones + The Scarpetta "Everyday is a Fashion Show" Contest

I can't afford to spend a ton of money on clothes or shoes (though I certainly wish I could!), so I was pleasantly surprised when The Scarpetta contacted me. Some companies will say that they have affordable fashion when they don't, but when you hear me say it about The Scarpetta it's definitely true. The Scarpetta sells designer shoes at a steal!

Most of the shoes on the website (and there are A LOT of shoes on this site, so you won't have a problem finding something you love) are in the $20 to $75 range. While some do go above that, most of the ones I saw were tall boots and some heels, which is no surprise anyway. 

The Maryjane heels I choose are a soft navy suede that are very well-made and so comfortable. I paired them with a gray sweater jacket, blue blouse, sparkly necklace, and jeans. I might be having an important meeting with my boss, so I'm considering wearing this, though I think switching to black trousers would be a good call. 
Jacket: Express (via Sydney Style giveaway) | Blouse: Express (via Sydney Style giveaway) Necklace: Sammydress (only $6!) | Jeans: Forever 21 {similar} | Heels: ℅ The Scarpetta 

I also wanted to let you guys know that The Scarpetta is having an "Everyday is a Fashion Show" Pinterest Contest! The campaign will run until March 14th and the grand prize is a year of free shoes! How awesome is that?! (This contest is open to residents of the U.S. only.)

How to enter:
1. Sign-up for The Scarpetta newsletter on their homepage. 
3. Create a board titled "Everyday is a Fashion Show."
4. Pin at least one pair of shoes from The Scarpetta using the hashtag #thescarpetta & #freeshoes.

You should also know that The Scarpetta will be running mini weekly giveaways on their Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest pages throughout the campaign!

Do you think this is a good outfit for an important meeting?
Will you be entering to win free shoes?

**This is a sponsored post. I received free shoes in exchange for a review. 
All opinions are my own.**
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  1. Александра ЗахароваFebruary 11, 2014 at 5:10 AM

    Most of all I lıke that necklace, looks pretty!
    Wish you a great day ahead!

  2. I am a shoe addict , as you says its affordable its you g to be my heaven..
    I like your shoes. :)
    Necklace is gorgeous
    Have a great week

  3. Oh my god, those shoes are adorable.

  4. What a great opportunity! It's always nice to find affordable brands isn't it. Lovely outfit, and love each item xx

  5. That outfit is adorable!! It's laid back but it has that something to make it scream, and those shoes!! They have a new customer!!

  6. Thanks so much, Jessica!! So glad you like the outfit and the site!

  7. I love finding affordable brands! :)

  8. Glad I'm not the only one who is a shoe addict!

  9. I'm seriously in love with those shoes!!

    ♥ Naomi Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups

  10. This is such a perfect outfit, the shoes are awesome!

  11. Love this outfit. Love the shoes.And your hair! Perfection!

  12. they are so cute! i've never heard of this company, so i will definitely have to check them out!

  13. Those shoes are so cute! I love how you dressed them down with denim!

    xx Cara

  14. Those shoes are so cute! I love that you dressed them down with jeans!

    xx Cara

  15. Those shoes are fab! I love the necklace too! I have never heard of The Scarpetta before but thanks for the recommendation.

  16. You have chosen really wonderful shoes, dear Sara! And you did a perfect match with the denims and the gray jacket, I like further your blouse and the great necklace <3

    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  17. Such a cute polished look!
    xo Adri

  18. Marissa @ The Modern AustenFebruary 11, 2014 at 7:09 PM

    Those shoes <3! You look wonderful. I think these shoes will be perfect for an important meeting--good luck with that! Also, what a fun campaign to be a part of!

  19. I love that top, sweater, shoes...pretty much this whole outfit!

  20. This outfit is SO pretty! I love the baby blue shirt and the silver-y jacket combined :) Looking goooooood Sara! xo

  21. Oh my gosh, those shoes are fabulous! The color is amazing. I love them paired with the soft blue top :)

  22. Thanks, Elba!! There are so many shoes! It's amazing!

  23. I love this look on you, Sara! That pale blue looks so pretty on you!

    The Closet by Christie

  24. This is lovely! I like all the blue - your top is so pretty, and those shoes are gorgeous!

  25. i mean i know i told you in person how freaking amazing you look but you look FREAKING AMAZING ok!? love you xo

  26. Thank you so much!! You're the best!! I love you too! xoxo


Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥