
Friday, April 4, 2014

A Photo Every Hour

I've always wanted to do this one photo every hour challenge. I think it's an interesting idea to document one day of your life, and then once it's done you can see how it compares to the other days. 

Another reason I wanted to do it was to see if I could really remember to take a picture every hour. I'm glad I didn't forget to bring a camera out with me since the day I decided to do the challenge was this past Saturday, and I had a bunch of errands to run. If you're curious, here's what a lazy kind of Saturday looks like for me. (I usually do some blog stuff on Saturday's as well, but on this particular day I was caught up, which equals more lounging around on my part.)
9:00 am -- Wake up and take my gummy vitamins

10:00 am -- Trying on more Warby Parker frames before I return them

11:00 am -- Looking through some coupons 

12:00 pm -- Eating some egg drop soup for an early lunch

1:00 pm -- Returning a book to the library
I didn't pick up anything new since I have so many at home I need to read

2:00 pm -- Picking up a frame for a DIY project

3:00 pm -- Afternoon Starbucks pick me up

 4:00 pm -- I put together a quick DIY of movie and concert tickets
and other things I want to remember

 5:00 pm -- Relaxation time! Watching an episode of Veronica Mars!

6:00 pm -- Finished reading Jane Bussmann's A Journey to the Dark Heart 
of Nameless Unspeakable Evil (review to come soon)

7:00 pm -- Munching on a turkey, cheese, and spinach sandwich with salt-less chips

 8:00 pm -- Quick bathroom break and then back to watching Veronica Mars

9:00 pm -- Post-shower

 10:00 pm -- Ben and I watch as Leo runs people over in a video game 
and then laugh like a crazy person

11:00 pm -- Sitting on my bed and checking Instagram
Instagram is seriously my addiction

12:00 am -- Reading the beginning of Cress by Marissa Meyer
before eventually going to sleep

What do you think of the photo challenge?
What are you doing this weekend?

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  Free Gift of stylish black frame with purchase of any RX Eyewear!


  1. This is such a neat concept! Sometimes I am really lazy on the weekends and I don't think I'd have enough exciting things to document :) Thanks for showing us a peek into your day!

    The Tiny Heart
    Cookbook Giveaway!

  2. Hee, legs.

    At some point I really wanted to do a Day in the Life post but my life is so impossibly boring that I'd have to DO something that day, and then it wouldn't really be a typical day in my life, would it? /o\

  3. NeopreznoOprezna SesiliApril 4, 2014 at 10:28 AM

    I love the idea. :) Photos are so cute, I love that DIY project.:D And Veronica Mars, thanks for the giving me an idea what to watch this weekend. :)

  4. This is such a fun idea! Adding it to my list of things to try!

  5. This is such a good idea! great pictures :)

  6. This is such a cool idea! Also, than you for encouraging me with your comment. You are always the sweetest!

  7. I ALWAYS check instagram in bed too, haha! It's part of my evening routine (this sounds bad, doesn't it?). Also: was Leo playing GTA? I LOVE that game and run people over while playing too. Kind of sadistic, but fun! xo

  8. this is such a neat idea! i totally want to try a photo-an-hour challenge now!

  9. Oooh! It sounds like so much fun Sara. I think it's a nice way for readers to get more insight in you and a chance to take some fun photos :)

  10. Ahh I LOVE this! It's such a cool idea and I absolutely love the DIY frame :)


  11. I LOVE photo an hour projects; I do one every month over at my blog. It's a lot of fun to go back and look at the previous month/year. It's amazing how profound the mundane things in life can be.

  12. this is such an interesting post! I get the starbucks passion tea lemonade sometimes too!

    Hahah though I feel like I wouldn't be able to remember to take a photo every hour :P

  13. I don't think I would remember to take a pic every hour! Love that you were watching Veronica that show.

    Tiffany Ima

  14. I absolutely love this. I always meant to do one of these "photo an hour" challenges but I keep telling myself I'm really not that interesting, ha! :)

  15. You definitely are interesting! I would love to see you do this challenge!

  16. I just finished last week and I want more!! I'm so sad that it ended, so I can't wait to see the movie!

  17. Very true!! I'm going to check it out!

  18. Instagram is so relaxing for some reason! Yes, he was playing GTA!

  19. I would love to see a Day in the Life post, even if it's just an average boring day like mine was! I didn't really do anything all that special!


Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥