
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Blogger Q&A

I was tagged by Chelsea of Chels & The City to do this blogger Q&A, so I thought it would be fun to answer some questions so that you can get to know me a little better. 

ONE | If you could live any place in the world, where would it be?
I've always wanted to live in London! I've never been to England, but I have this feeling that I would love it there. 

TWO | What do you miss most about being a kid?
Honestly, not having to worry about money. Or anything really. Kids have it easy. 

THREE | Who or what inspires you?
Stories, photographs, and artwork. I get inspired by the words I read and the pictures I see. Ideas come to me as I read or when I'm perusing Pinterest or looking at a painting. I'm a visual person. 

FOUR | Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
In a month, I'll be 25, so at 35 I hope I have a job that I love (still working at Westchester Magazine would be awesome), married to a kind, lovable, funny guy, and have two kids. 

FIVE | Your 50th birthday party- who's invited?
My husband, my kids, and all my amazing friends!

SIX | What are your strengths?
I pride myself on being friendly and kind, on not judging people, and on making others feel comfortable. I'm also an awesome listener. 

SEVEN | What are things you want to improve on?
Since my job is a social one -- talking to people, going to events, etc. -- I want to get better at being a social person and being outgoing. It doesn't come naturally, but I'm trying. It helps that everyone at work is so friendly and hilarious. 

EIGHT | Places you've traveled to?
Obviously the tri-state area (NY, NJ, CT), Pennsylvania, Boston, Albuquerque, Washington D.C., Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, Niagara Falls (both sides), and the coolest of them all: Israel. 

NINE | What is a routine you could never do without?
Before, I go to sleep I like to check Instagram since I find it calming and read a chapter or two of whatever book I'm currently reading. 

TEN | What was an act of kindness shown towards you that caught you by surprise?
The most recent thing I can think of is that my step-mom Janet got me a Starbucks gift card for getting a job. I thought it was a really sweet little treat. 

ELEVEN | List some of the best times in your life in less than one minute. ready...go! (don't cheat!) Anytime I hang out with my friends or brothers, Disney World with Jackie at twelve, Israel with Avra three years ago, Orlando with my family, playing cards with my brothers and grandparents every other week, mother-daughter days and father-daughter days, and having adventures with friends in NYC. 

I tag: Jackie, MartieNaomi, Kristin, Sharon, Lix, Nikki, Elana, Lynn & Angie.

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  1. So good to know more about you. Happy to see that you always find happiness in small things..
    Looks like you are really close to your family as I am ..
    I am not a very social person and trying just like you
    Keep in touch

  2. This was a fun post learning more about you! I agree that kids have it SO easy...being an adult comes with so many more responsibilities which means more worries. PS Thanks for the tag! I'll try to do the post :)

    The Tiny Heart
    Bugsy's Box Giveaway!

  3. So much fun, love it! Alex

  4. So nice to get to know you better Sara! I've always dreamed of living in London too. I think the only city I could live in apart from New York would be London.

    Meag xx

  5. how fun- I love stuff like this!

    I noticed many of your "favorite times" are with family, that's great, and I'm totally with you there! especially not living at home anymore, time spent with any family member is precious and always so comfy-feeling

    ♥ perfectly Priya

  6. I'm tagged! ;)

    That is so cool that you've been to Israel! Did you take photos?

    ♥ Naomi Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups

  7. aww i feel so special being part of the best times in your life :) so awesome!! love you xo

  8. Yay! I'm so glad you decided to do this! I am still so happy for you for your new job, glad it's going well. And I just saw in your sidebar that you finished Adulting! My friend got that book for me for my birthday last year and I LOVED it!


  9. Rachael SparkfireMay 14, 2014 at 8:12 PM

    I can fend for the fact that you are SO friendy!!!! I love that I met you via blogging!

  10. I loved getting to know you better!! That's so awesome that you went to Israel!


  11. These are awesome questions and I'm glad that I was able to get to know you a little better. I do 100% agree about living in London. I visited for a week and a half and I loved it.

  12. thanks for the tag! disney was so much fun! :)

  13. This is such a fun post - and a really interesting list of questions. It has me thinking about my 50th birthday now! I wonder who will be there... :)

  14. You are so friendly and kind, that is something I love about you. Being outgoing doesn't come naturally for me either, but this year I'm trying my best :) Since I moved to California, Im pushing myself to go out more and meet new people. Even when is not the easiest thing to do, it is making me feel more confident and happy. Love this post and getting to know more about you ;)

  15. Thank you, Elba, for the wonderful comment! I'm glad I'm not the only one that struggles with this! I really admire the fact that you moved to a new place and are pushing yourself to try new things! So amazing!

  16. Thanks! That's the question that really made me think too!

  17. Thank you, Rachael! You're so sweet!

  18. Thank you, Chelsea!! It's a great book! Very helpful!

  19. You're a very special person to me!! Love ya, bestie!

  20. Israel was absolutely amazing!! Yes, I took so many pictures! You can see some here:

  21. Yes, I love spending time with my family and my younger brothers!

  22. Thanks, Meagan! It was lovely talking to you!

  23. Israel was amazing! You should go one day! Thanks!

  24. Thanks, Pooja! I'm glad we both are close to our family!


Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥