
Monday, July 21, 2014

Inspiration: Pictures Saved On My iPad

A few months ago, I showed you some pictures I saved on my iPad. Well, I thought I would show you a few more! I'm always saving pictures that I find on Instagram, on people's blogs, or from iPad-only magazines. But I have to get better at remembering where each picture comes from, or make note of it somehow. I only know where three of the pictures are from, so if you know I would love to be able to tag them. Thanks!

P.S. -- I'm part of Kate of Clear the Way's new 
Feminist Friday series, How Do You Deal?
In the first installment, several bloggers are talking about being leered at. 

{unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, The Kit, SignerooWit and Bloom, and unknown}

Happy Monday!

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  1. Red hair! I love red hair and want a nice fire engine type red color myself. Leering is annoying, however women leer just as much as men, from everything I've seen. Spending time in stores, online (especially social media and Tumblr). Either neither should stop, or both should. I think bodies are beautiful, so I say neither should.

  2. Such fun pictures, I especially love the shoes!!


  3. So glad to have you on Fem Fridays! Thanks for contributing.

  4. Cute pictures! I really like the first one. :)

    ♥ Naomi Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups

  5. Love that last picture of the shoes! And now I have to check out the Feminist Fridays series - thanks for the introduction!


  6. this reminds me that I need more space to hold all my shoes!

  7. Martie @ SpunkyrellaJuly 27, 2014 at 9:38 AM

    I love to save pics on my iphone - a huge inspiration ;)

  8. Right!! I wish I had a whole bookshelf for shoes!

  9. Thank you for creating a brilliant series!

  10. Very good point! Women can be just as bad as men really! I wish I had red hair too!


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥