
Friday, August 29, 2014

Favorite Things {July & August 2014}

{Fangirl, The Beast Within, Potterhead tee, Forever 21 illuminator (the front has a cat face!), 
& Marion Claire stationery (review coming soon!)}

How freaking awesome is this Potterhead t-shirt, right? I'm a huge Harry Potter fan and yet before now I didn't own any Harry Potter-related clothing. This shirt is so soft and perfect!

Besides loving the novel Fangirl, I also really enjoyed reading The Beast Within. It's meant for 9 to 12 year olds, but I couldn't pass it up because I love Beauty and the Beast, the beautiful cover, and the fact that it's from the Beast's point of view. 

I'm doing a more extensive review of these greeting cards soon, but I just wanted to say how much I love these cute and spunky cards. The cheese one is the best thing ever. 

A few fun links:

 Thoughts on Ferguson as a white women. This post is so well-written. We all need to listen to each other so that we can change our society together for the better.

 What is means to be human.

 Appreciate the journey, not the destination.

 What's your love language? (I'm Acts of Service and Words of Affirmation.)

 Three fresh ways to wear stripes.

 15 lunch ideas for us busy professional gals.

 Five reasons why I hate editing. This post hits so close to home.

 Classic movies changed to not be sexist.

 Awesome cheap beauty products.

 Tom Hiddleston is sexy and he's even sexier wet after doing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. You're welcome.

 Want to be a part of the Books & Looks series on my blog? Read all about it here!

 Sponsor love:

 Swap friends: Cute LA, Paper Umbrella, Lovely Little Fawn, Simply Sinova, The Anna Belle Blog, My Life as a Tea Cup, Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups & Novel Style.

Happy Friday! 
Have a great weekend!

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  1. thosecards are actually fun , i loved the harry potter tee

    keep in touch

  2. Awesome Harry Potter tee! The only one I have is a Quidditch Team shirt! I loves it. :D

  3. that cover for The Beast Within is awesome! Also, LOVE the Potterhead shirt :)


  4. I've got to check out The Beast Within! I'm always down for new takes on my favorite fairytales, and perhaps a good book recommendations for my middle schoolers!

  5. The Potterhead tee is awesome! Sadly, I don't own any Harry Potter clothing, either, but that needs to change. The Beast Within definitely caught my interest.

  6. the book sounds awesome, I would totally read that!

  7. Agreed! Here is my review on it
    Thank you for the amazing value and incredible knowledge you share on your you this great blog,love you post.


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥