
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Books & Looks: Emily

Say hello to Emily!

Book: Good Omens by Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman

I don't really have a #1 favorite book - that's the curse of the English major. And people ask me what my favorite book is a lot - that's the other curse of the English major. So I've developed a strategy: I just tell everyone that Good Omens is my favorite book, simply because it's the one I most want to recommend. Good Omens is a hilarious satire of the apocalypse in which a demon and an angel must work together to keep their beloved Earth from ending, with the added complication being that they've lost the Anti-Christ. (Also, it has a great cover, with a bunch of equally great variations.)

Look: I'm a senior in college this fall, and I've had this floral dress since my senior year of high school. I wore it in my senior photos. I wore it in these photos, which I had taken about two years ago. And I wore it the other day. It's a simple design, it's soft and comfortable, and it's easy to dress up or down, so I wear it a lot. I love the bright floral pattern on the dark background. This dress is getting a little worn, and I know I'll be sad when the time comes for it to hit the throw-away pile, but I also know that I'm going to keep wearing it until then.

Photos were taken by Natalie Mutrux!

Thank you, Emily!
Have you read Good Omens?

Want to be a part of Book & Looks? Pick your favorite book and piece of clothing and take some pictures, then email me at with the subject "Books & Looks". In the email, include: four to five pictures (preferably horizontal), a paragraph or two about why it's your favorite book and why it's your favorite piece of clothing, and three social media links. 

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  1. I love "Good Omens"! :) It's funny, how they managed to switch babies and then lose the Anti-Christ. The events that follow after that are crazy and hilarious. It's what makes this book great: Crazy and funny.

  2. I have yet to read Good Omens, but Gaiman is one of my favorite authors and this book has been recommended to me many times. I love the print on Emily's dress!

  3. Ahhh! One of my favorites books, and definitely the one I recommend the most :)

  4. what a pretty dress, that book sounds really good!

  5. I think anything with floral is lovely!

  6. I should definitely read it! I remember trying to read it, but I think I was too young to "get it."

  7. I love Gaiman too! His books are wonderful!

  8. I should definitely read it! Sounds fun!

  9. love your dress so much,you so beautiful.good post,hope you can upload more.


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥