
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Books & Looks: Hannah

Say hello to Hannah!

Book: Making History by Stephen Fry

I have novels that I love as I’m reading them, and will stay in my favourites list long after finishing, but my enduring love-affair is with the illustrious Mr Fry’s third novel. It concerns a historian who alters time with the help of a scientist with a heavy conscience and makes it so Adolf Hitler was never born. The consequences are not what you expect. It manages to tap into my loves of alternate universes, discovering yourself and unexpected love, and, let’s be honest, history. It certainly helped that I first read this book while studying history at university and the World Wars were my specialist subject.

If you’re familiar at all with Stephen Fry’s rambling, glittering prose then this novel is a lovely example of how he wraps uses it to convey jarred world views that aren’t always because of a shift in reality (my personal favourite: WHATNOW lament of the graduate). Sometimes it switches to television style script too, as if the whole story is being directed by fate from a desk somewhere. It’s occasionally subversive, but I urge you to give this one a try.

Look: My look has been described as Disney-princess-goes-punk (thanks, friends). I think it might be to do with my insistence on pairing pretty dresses with big boots. Perhaps the tattoos help too! I just love having something a bit feminine, but without being too ladylike. Plus, who wears dainty ballet shoes in a mosh pit? Someone looking for broken feet, that’s who. My go-to dress is H&M and covered in a print of little safety pins; it’s what I wear when I want to be comfortable but still close to my favourite kind of style. And they have pockets, so this dress holds my heart forever! My boots I bought cheap so if they got ruined at a festival it wouldn’t be a big deal, but they’re still knocking around three years later! Sometimes DMs are just too cumbersome. If I am any kind of punk at all, in this outfit I’m a bloody comfy one!

Thank you, Hannah!
Have you read Making History?

Want to be a part of Book & Looks? Pick your favorite book and piece of clothing and take some pictures, then email me at with the subject "Books & Looks". In the email, include: four to five pictures (preferably horizontal), a paragraph or two about why it's your favorite book and why it's your favorite piece of clothing, and three social media links. 

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  1. novel sounds intersetinf, thise boots are cool

    keep in touch

  2. I haven't read anything by Stephen Fry, but I think I need to. Her pins dress is so cute :)


  3. omg i LOVE that dress!!

  4. I love her dress, it looks so cute on her!


  5. You should try to find something like it because it's so you!

  6. Thanks!! Hope you'll join the series!

  7. I haven't either, but it seems like an interesting read. I hope you'll join the series in the future!

  8. Thank you! I hope you'll join the series as well! :)

  9. I love that print! Super cute. :)

    ♥ Naomi Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups

  10. I LOVE this series! It's so fun t see people's fashion styles and well as their favorite books! I've always said a person's favorite book (and style for that matter) says a lot abut them <3

  11. Thank you!! I agree! I always like hearing what someone's favorite book is and why!


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥