
Monday, September 29, 2014

Books & Looks: Jess

Say hello to Jess! Not only is this is Books & Looks, but this is 
also her sponsor spotlight post!

I'm finally doing a Books and Looks! It sure took me a while, but now that the weather has turned in my favor, I can bust out my normal attire. Which is blazers, cardigans, boots, and hats! Anyways, I'm Jess from Bookworms in Dresses and picking a favorite book is so hard for me! I love all the books on my shelf! (Well, 98% of them.)
Book: House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski

The book I chose for my favorite is House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. He also wrote The 50 Year Sword, which is another of my favorites. You've probably heard of House of Leaves before and perhaps someone has even recommended it to you. That's how I first heard of the book. Someone asked me if I had ever read it before, and then proceeded to tell me that I HAD to read it. ASAP. So of course, I went out and got myself a copy and hunkered down, thinking that this book was huge and it would take me forever to read....well....I was wrong on that count. I blew through this book, though I did have to take breaks just to sit and let the book sink in a bit. 

House of Leaves is a story that can really pull you in, and I like that in a book. Heck, you really start to believe that everything in the book is real. You might even get an itch to start measuring the walls in your house to make sure that they all line up right and you aren't missing an inch here or there. I mean, the book is that good. It's written in a very, very, very unconventional style with some pages only having one or two words on them. Some words being in red or blue, and different fonts for different sections. It's all very alluring to a book nerd like me. Speaking of, The 50 Year Sword is like that too, very unconventional, and another killer story as well. 
Look: My style is pretty down to earth most of the time. I own a lot of grey, black, and browns. Boots with socks + jeans is my fall and winter staple outfit choices. I also love to add a little pop of color with a scarf or a beanie! Also, have I mentioned before that I love raw cut stones? So pretty!!

I almost want to give House of Leaves another read, and see if it still has the same impact on me that it did back when I first read it. I also want to see what else Danielewski has written and get my hands on those books as well. I know there is something called The Whalestoe Letters, which is actually a part of House of Leaves. I almost want to read those separate from the book. 

Thank you, Jess!
Have you read House of Leaves?

Want to be a part of Book & Looks? Pick your favorite book and piece of clothing and take some pictures, then email me at with the subject "Books & Looks". In the email, include: four to five pictures (preferably horizontal), a paragraph or two about why it's your favorite book and why it's your favorite piece of clothing, and three social media links. 

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  1. Love Jess's look and the book has been on my to-read list for awhile now! It just sounds so intriguing!

  2. I love these funny pictures! Thanks for the book tip :)

    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena

    International giveaway: Top form by
    the reasons of problems

  3. jess has such great style

    and i think i need to read that book

    Keep in touch

  4. One of my favorite books! (And I love the shoe shot! :D)

  5. Haha i love that last photo, and the outfit! I'm working on my post now :)

  6. I just added it to my Goodreads list, even though it's been on my radar for a long time!

  7. I consider this to be my favorite book, though I have a lot of favorite books. I've been thinking of re-reading it sometime soon.

    Loving the orange beanie. Jess layers like a pro.


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥