
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Do You Have Recurring Dreams?

Do you have recurring dreams?

I'm pretty good at remembering my dreams from the night before and most are random (talking to people at work, driving, meeting faceless guys that I like and whom I wish were real, taking blog pictures, and manifestations of worries, like doing something wrong at work or being late for appointments), but over the years I've had a few recurring dreams. 

There are only three dreams that I've experienced two or three times. 

ONE | I'm at summer camp and I'm in the woods near these wooden cabins, but everything is underwater, as if that's perfectly normal. It's dark and silent and I'm hiding underneath something because I know that someone is coming after everyone at the camp. Once in the dream I was just hiding, but the second time I was pulled from underneath and tried to scream and then I woke up. 

What makes this dream strange is that I hardly ever have nightmares. I think this dream came about because I went to summer camp years ago when I was 11 or 12 and there was this rumor about someone killing people in the cabins in the woods. 

TWO | Ever since I went to Israel back in 2011, I've dreamed three times that I've been late for a flight back to Israel. In real life I like being prepared and pack days before I go somewhere, but in the dream the flight is hours away and I haven't packed yet and I'm a stressed out mess. One time I had this dream and I found out that I was going to Israel only the day before. 

THREE | The weirdest one of all: I jump off the ground and fly into the sky. It's late at night and I fly over New York City, admiring all of the lights. I land. I jump off the ground, but it's a little harder to do so. I fly. I land again. This time I can't jump up and fly anymore. 

I've had this dream two times now, but not for many years. Every time I have this dream, at first it's so easy to fly and I love it, but as the dream goes on it gets harder and harder to get my feet off the ground. Strange, right?

Do you have recurring dreams?
I would love to know what your dreams are!

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  1. Dreams are strange aren't they. I have recurring dreams about my mum or my boyfriend driving my car, which is very alarming to me because neither of them have a licence! Last night I had a dream about having lots of guests over for dinner, and I was stressed about having nothing to serve them except a chocolate yule log...

  2. I tend to have very vivid, but very random dreams. I actually record them in a dream journal, as I am pretty good at remembering them as well! While I don't have recurring dreams, I definitely have recurring themes. The main one is that I am often in high school. Even if I'm a grown up, and have my child etc., I'm still in school. And it seems perfectly normal. The other theme is being chased/having something after me. I am constantly having dreams where I have to escape someone/thing trying to get me! Weird!

  3. I don't have recurring dreams, but I do have many dreams that have similar themes. I have probably had more than 10 dreams that involve me being in weird public bathrooms and showers. They are different every time, but its pretty common for me to have a weird bathroom dream. I know, I'm so strange! I also have dreams a lot where I am trying to run, but for some reason I can't.

  4. I don't have recurring dreams at all, but sometimes I wish I did - give me something concrete to analyze. I do typically have dreams about travel and not being prepared for it though.. so I'm with ya on that one lol

    Miche from Buttons and Birdcages

  5. ur dreams are quit cool , everything under water, wow . imagine if that actually was normal :)
    But i am happy to know its not only me who dreams the same 2-3 dreams again and again
    keep in touch

  6. Your dreams are so interesting! I've only had one recurring dream: I'm in my old neighborhood and everyone is frozen in time and I'm walking around trying to snap them out of it. I don't know what the symbolism is behind it, but I've had that dream many times over the years.

    ♥ Naomi Starry Eyes + Coffee Cups

  7. That's an interesting dream! I wonder what it means! I imagine being surrounded by frozen people is freaky!

  8. Glad I'm not the only one! Something about travel just makes everyone antsy I suppose!

  9. That's interesting and strange! Do you have a fear of public bathrooms that you haven't told me about? :)

  10. I've had dreams where I'm back in high school too. One that I remember really well is that in my dream I was told that I had to go back and re-do my last year of high school, so I walked back into school and everyone was staring and I felt horrible and stupid. I love that you keep a dream journal!!

  11. Uh oh! Don't let them drive your car! That is alarming! Haha! I would eat a chocolate yule log! :)

  12. it's amazing how you can actually recall details like this in your dreams. i tend to have the hardest time remembering things in my sleep. the flying over NYC dream seems fun though, when i think about it.

    Animated Confessions

  13. I have the weirdest dreams! Just last night I dreamed that everyone had to grab their things and move away to some different land... But none of it made sense. Dreams can be so confusing :P


  14. When I was younger I used to have REALLY freaky recurring dreams. I mean, SUPER freaky. I still have really weird dreams, but I used to have some that would happen every night for weeks. It always gave me such a terrible feeling of Deja vu. I've had a flying dream before too, but I was a bird!

  15. Oh that's horrible! I'm sorry you went through that. It sucks now, but being a kid must make it even worse to go through. I would love to be a bird in my dreams!

  16. Yes some of my dreams never make sense! Like I know when I wake up that I was in a familiar place, but dream me feels like she's never been there before or vice versa. So strange.

  17. Thanks!! I've met people have hard times remember their dreams and one guy who never remembers them.

  18. Your dream memories are so specific! I can rarely recall details like that unless it's the morning right after.

    My recurring dream is always that someone is chasing me- sometimes I can't run, sometimes I can fly, but I'm always trying to get away. Not sure what that means...

    ♥ perfectly Priya


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥