
Friday, May 29, 2015

Guest Post: Claws Up

Hey, friends! I'm taking the week off (except for Wednesday) because I've been so busy, 
but I have an awesome line-up of guest posts for you this week!
Hello blogging world of Sincerely, Sara! My name is Jacquie, and I blog over at Claws Up!  I am really excited to be guest posting for my long-time bestie, and recent maid of honor, Sara. For my post, I wanted to share a makeup look using some of Sara's favorite colors: purple and plum.

I used to be scared of a bold lip, for years I have been strictly a lip balm kind of girl. But it's getting hard to ignore that bold lip colors are taking center stage. After being scared of the bold lip trend I slowly eased myself in. I have to say I'm now hooked and have jumped head first into the bold lip trend! After I picked up my latest, and boldest,  addition to my collection, I wanted to honor it with a full purple look!
I had a lot of fun playing around with colors outside of my comfort zone and I have to say, I was really happy with how this look turned out. I wouldn't wear it out, but sometimes it's fun just to see what you can create. I can't wait to add even more bold shades to my lipstick collection.

What's your favorite lipstick color? 
What color should I try next?

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  1. I'm in love with all the purple! I wish I had this kinda skill with my own eyeshadows haha :)

  2. What a beautiful make up look! I wish I could do something so pretty!



  3. Thanks for guest posting for me!! Love it!

  4. Obviously she knows really how to do a colourful makeup!

    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena


Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥