
Monday, May 25, 2015

Guest Post: Super Space Chick

Hey, friends! I'm taking the week off (except for Wednesday) because I've been so busy, 
but I have an awesome line-up of guest posts for you this week!
Hi everyone! I'm Kristin from Super Space Chick and I'm so excited that Sara decided to share her blog with me today!  I recently started a BookTube channel and I can honestly say it's the most passionate I've been about anything in a really long time!  I'm one of those people that can spend HOURS in a bookstore multiple times per week (my poor, poor boyfriend), I must know what everyone around me on the train is reading at all times, I'm able to lead people to the exact shelves of the book they're interested in while book shopping (you can ask Sara!), and my eyes LIGHT UP when anyone tries to engage me in any conversation about books, so really, a BookTube channel just ~made sense~.

Now that you are aware of how deep my bibliophilia runs, I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce you to some of my favorite BookTubers (because when I'm not reading or talking about books, I'm watching other people talk about them as entertainment). All the BookTubers I watch focus on YA fiction, but there are others out there if YA isn't your thing!

1) Regan of PeruseProject - Regan is my favorite BookTuber.  I love watching her videos because of her awesome personality and because of how often I agree with her reviews so I feel like I can trust her opinions. She reads a lot of fantasy, but she also mixes in some contemporary YA, adult fiction, and classics. A good video example of how helpful Regan's reviews are is her Favorite Books of 2014 video which can be seen below.

2) Sam of Novels and Nonsense - Sam is my go to for fantasy recommendations!  She makes a lot of unique videos, one my favorite being her Arthurian Retelling recommendations and she often participates in the Top 5 Wednesday challenge for which the topics are available to view on Goodreads.

3) Kat of Katytastic - Kat's bookshelves are to die for (seriously you must watch her bookshelf tour!).  She's been on BookTube for years so sometimes I like to go back and watch old videos that I may have missed in the past.  Kat is one of the members of the Booksplosion book club which posts an jn in depth discussion once a month.

4) Raeleen of PadfootandProngs07 - Raeleen is adorable!  She works at a bookstore so you know her recommendations are on point.  Her BookTube name is an obvious homage to the Marauders from Harry Potter, so I was destined to enjoy her videos from the start.  I love this video of her auto-buy authors.

5) Maureen of maureenkeavy - Maureen is a BookTuber that I discovered recently and I just adore her.  She's incredibly funny and sarcastic and I love watching everything she posts.  Here's a recent Harry Potter tag video she posted!

Who is your favorite YouTuber?

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  1. I'm horrible at following people on Youtube, but I'm so glad you're now posting BookTube videos!! Some of these ladies are my favorites too, and you've given me some new channels to check out! :D

  2. I've just discovered BookTube (and Bookstagram!) and I love watching your videos, the other booktubers I follow are Kristin (MyLifeAsATeacup) and Melissa Eikeland (I found her new channel through Instagram). Thanks for sharing your favourite booktubers, I just needed some recommendations!

  3. I only watch a friend TheLostBookReports for my BookTube needs. I really need to start expanding!

  4. I haven't seen their channel but I'm totally subscribing right now!!

  5. ooh! I definitely follow Melissa on instagram too! I've been meaning to check out her videos!

  6. Yay!! I'm glad I can help! I always watch yours too :-D I keep links to everyone I subscribe to in my Feedly so whenever someone uploads something I get a notification. I usually watch them every morning while I drink lemon water so I have a relaxing start to my morning!

  7. Not a bad idea! I never thought of integrating my channels to Feedly like that!

  8. I didn't even know that "booktube" was a thing! I'm going to have a lot of free time this summer so thanks for all these recs :)


  9. I will definitely be checking these out! I haven't really got into following along with BookTubers, but it sounds fabulous!

  10. My favorite book tuber is probably Page Break Books! They are a duo who both work at book stores, which is AWESOME! I always wanted to work for a book store!

  11. I would love to work at a bookstore too!

  12. They're an awesome bunch! I love watching their reviews on Youtube!

  13. It's fun! It's nice sometimes to see reviews spoken naturally rather than reading than on blogs, you know.

  14. Definitely tweet Kristin if you need any booktuber recs!

  15. I'm going to check The Lost Book Reports out! Thanks!

  16. I love bookstagram! Pretty books laid out in pretty ways = love!


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥