
Friday, June 19, 2015

Writing Inspiration

So I've been on a writing kick lately. I hadn't written for six months and then the past two weeks I've been writing almost every night for an hour to two hours straight (this is why I haven't been commenting on your blogs as much. sorry about that). It feels so good to write and I'm happy that what got me writing in the first place is a new story idea. I'm not sure whether it's a novel or a novella yet, but I'm just writing and enjoying the process. 
Outside My Window

Beautifully stated.


Literary Art Print, Oscar Wilde Illustration Quotes Black and White Art Poster,  Large Wall Art Gift for him, Giclee Print
P.S. -- I bought this while at BookCon and love it!

Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere. Anne Lamott #quotes #writing

Wow. How could I even describe my love for writing? Whenever I need to express myself, I always find that I write it down. Ever since I was little, I have kept journals that hold all of my thoughts. Along with writing down my feelings, I have always loved to write stories and create characters. I find it so incredible how authors can come up with amazing story lines and write them down. This may sound crazy but I actually do not mind writing essays, I love being able to share all of my thoughts.

"A eruchin u-dano i faelas a hyn. An uben tanatha le faelas!" Translation: "Oh Children of Eru, Show them no mercy, for you shall receive none."

Have a great weekend, friends!

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  1. Sometimes we just need a bit of inspiration :) glad you found yours again!

  2. I'm so happy to hear that you've been writing! It's so enjoyable once you get into it <3 Thanks for sharing some inspiration!

  3. Excellent inspirations, and I really love that last one!

  4. cant wait too read what you wrote

    keep in touch ♥

  5. "“Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere." YES TO THIS (and all these quotes.) I LOVE when my creative juices start flowing and I can just write for hours. It's so excited when you get that new idea and just roll with it <3

  6. The same thing happens to me! I'm in a writing kick right now, too. Inspiration really does always come flooding in right at bedtime! haha I love all of these quotes!

    Can't wait to see you again, tomorrow!!

    The Closet by Christie

  7. I'm not a writer (blogging is as far as I get with it), but I'm working on a number of creative projects, so I can relate. Sometimes, you just get inspired by anything and everything and get in the zone. Honestly, sometimes hours go by and it feels like it's been 20 minutes working on a project. Other times, I just can't be bothered.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    Something About That

  8. I totally understand what you're going through, and when those ideas come up, you just gotta roll with it.

  9. Great inspirations. :)

  10. Thank you for sharing. :)

  11. Yep, sometimes time passes so quickly and other times it's like time is going backwards!

  12. I do most of my writing the hour or two before bedtime!

  13. Yay so glad you're writing again! Can't wait to read all of your books :)

  14. That Anne Lamott quote is great, I just pinned it. Love her! I tell myself something like this a lot, because the most intimidating part of writing (in my journal, a blog, a letter, etc.) is just starting. Thanks for sharing these great thoughts!

    ♥ perfectly Priya


Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥