
Thursday, July 23, 2015

Book Nerdery Tag + Four Things Tag

I generally don't do tags, but I wanted to change it up and do something fun and different! I was tagged by Kristin of My Life as a Teacup (watch her video!) for the Avengers / Book Nerdery Tag, and I was tagged by Kristin of Super Space Chick (read her blog post!) for the Four Things Tag. I swear it's just a coincidence I was tagged by two awesome young ladies who both happened to be named Kristin.
Book Nerdery Tag

Iron Man - A book that made you laugh out loud: Yes Please by Amy Poehler 

This book is absolutely hilarious! I just finished listening to the audiobook because Amy Poehler reads it herself and has guests, like Patrick Stewart and Seth Meyers. She's so candid about everything from her comedy to her family to sex and I literally couldn't stop laughing. I generally don't do tags, but I wanted to change it up and do something fun and different!

Captain America - A book that sends a positive message: In Real Life by Cory Doctorow and Jen Wang

This graphic novel is about a teenage girl who joins an online role-playing game and meets people from all over the world. She breaks out of her shell online and in real life, and helps a young man in China via the game who is having real problems trouble at work. I like that it's about people coming together to help one another. 

Thor - A book with a character whose strength you admire: The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh 

Sharhzad is one tough young lady. The young king takes a new bride every night and kills them every morning. One day, Shar volunteers to be his newest bride with the intention to kill the king for murdering her best friend, but she finds that things are not as they seem. Shar is strong in the face of adversity that comes from all sides. 

Black Widow - A book with a kick-butt female protagonist: Cinder by Marissa Meyer 

How could I not pick Cinder?! Cinder is a cyborg and gifted mechanic whose life gets intertwined with Prince Kai and soon she's in the middle of an intergalactic struggle for power. She's intelligent, clever, tough, and just plain bad ass. 

The Hulk - A book that made you incredibly angry: Death By Coffee by Alex Erickson 

Please do not read this. The whole thing is just completely ridiculous. You can read my rant here

Hawkeye - An underrated book you wish more people would pay attention to: Perfect Ruin by Lauren DeStefano 

I really loved this book! It's a moody YA dystopian book about a city floating in the sky and the people there are forbidden from getting too close to the edge. Life is pretty idyllic until there's a murder. I loved Morgan's slow transition from a girl who believes in and loves this city to one disheartened with it's people and beliefs. 

[BONUS] Loki - A book with a twist or surprise that tricked you: Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard 

I did not see that twist at the ending coming! Reds are commoners and Silvers are nobility with powers. Mare is a Red girl, but after getting a job at the palace she discovers that despite her red blood she has a deadly power of her own. 

♥ ♥ 
Four Places I've Lives
I've only lived in New York sadly. 

Four Jobs I've Had
1. Summer camp counselor
2. Assistant for an accountant
3. Assistant for a company that makes baby clothes (which is where my mom works)
4. Social media coordinator at Westchester Magazine (current position)

Four Things I Don't Eat
1. Most seafood, so no octopus, snails, calamari, oysters, but I do like salmon, crab, and lobster. 
2. Licorice. Yuck. 
3. Mushrooms. Gross. 
4. Coffee. I love it, but it upsets my stomach. 
Four of My Favorite Foods
1. Pretty much any kind of soup, but especially chicken noodle and broccoli cheddar.
2. Pizza
3. Sushi, particularly avocado rolls and sweet potato tempura rolls
4. A sandwich with turkey, cranberry, and mayo. Yummmmmm. 

Four Films I've Watched More Than Once
1. Romance: Pride and Prejudice, You've Got Mail, Letters to Juliet
2. Adventure: Harry Potter, Star Wars, The Mummy
3. Classics: Indiana Jones, Back To The Future, Jurassic Park
4. Comedy: Men in Tights, Paul

Four TV Shows I Watch
1. Once Upon A Time
2. Beauty and the Beast
3. Castle
4. Game of Thrones
Four Things I Can't Live Without
1. Books! Le duh. 
2. Pen and paper, or I would never get any writing done. 
3. Iced tea, especially Starbucks' peach green tea lemonade. 
4. Chapstick

Four Places I've Visited
1. Albuquerque, New Mexico
2. Orlando, Florida
3. Israel 
4. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Four Things I Wish I Could Do
1. Sing
2. Speak another language fluently
3. Read faster because then I'd get more reading done!
4. And like Kristin, I'll say time travel because that would be awesome.

Four Things Near Me Right Now
1. My iPhone in a Beauty and the Beast case
2. My computer
3. A glass of water
4. A notepad 

It's been a busy week, so there's no post tomorrow. 
Have a great weekend!

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  1. i have watched you've got mail multiple time and can watch it again and again


  2. Thanks for the warning about Death by Coffee. >< However, even though I read Yes, Please, I want to get the audiobook now. I didn't know about her reading it herself and the guest artists!!! What a great way to put yourself in a cheery mood on the way to work!

  3. Yay time travel!!! I'm so glad you did both tags!!

  4. Awesome! Thanks for tagging me, I'm excited to do the Avengers tag!! I too am not a seafood fan. I can do crab in California sushi rolls, and I'll do white fish sometimes (cod, haddock) but that's it.

  5. I rely on your recommendations and thank you for sharing what you think about these books. Greetings to your mom Alice and also to you!

    xx from
    Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  6. ElleSees.blogspot.comJuly 23, 2015 at 1:41 PM

    totally agree about amy poehler--i did the audiobook too and it was so much hearing it read.

  7. Sooooo happy to see once upon a time and beauty on the beast on your list! And mushrooms - ew, I don't like them either! :P

    Jessica |

  8. I've only ever lived in Georgia! While I have lived in four different cities in Georgia though. Maybe that counts. Tags are a fun way to get to know other bloggers. I enjoyed reading yours!

  9. These are such fun tags! I have my first tag post going live tomorrow! I just figured it would be a fun way to share a bit more of myself on the blog when I don't have any exciting news to share. We have the same taste in foods! Soup is my favorite. I could eat it every single day and typically do in the winter. Sushi, pizza, and turkey cranberry sandwiches are also my faves! And eww to mushrooms. Those are the worst!

  10. Oooh, I can't wait to read your post! I'm so glad I'm not the only who loves soup!

  11. I'm almost done with the second season! I've been taking my time watching it because it's sooooo good that I want to savor it! :)

  12. She's so funny! I would love to meet her!

  13. I'll eat white fish sometimes too, but I'm generally not a fan of fish.

  14. Definitely listen to Yes Please! It's great hearing her voice and her laughing along with you!

  15. Even though I'm more of a manga reader, sine of those novels sound interesting! I did the Four Things Tag back in June, so fun. ^_^

    I can't tell you how much I LOVE iced tea! I prefer just making mine at home, just regular ol' Lipton, mmmm.

    Finally, I wanted to be a camp counselor so badly growing up, but I never even went to camp or anything like that, haha.


Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥