
Monday, July 20, 2015

Lusting: Quirky Bags

After being gifted this lovely little lemon bag from Martie for my birthday (thanks, girl!), I've been obsessed with finding other cool quirky bags. I'm not sure how many unusual bags one needs, but seeing as I love owls I feel like I need an owl purse. I'm also loving the ladybug one and the ice cream bag. I mean, c'mon, how cool are these?!

Do you love quirky bags?
Do you have one or would get one?

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  1. These are adorable! I like the ice cream cone one for summer :)

    The Tiny Heart

  2. I have one that's an owl face, but that fox one is so cute. It's a great way to add some punch to what could be an basic outfit.

  3. I think they're adorable, but I know for me personally I would never use them! I always end up being too lazy to swap out my stuff to a new purse, so I rarely ever buy them.

  4. I just bought a citrus bag and it should get to me by Thursday! (this one:

  5. I am so happy you like your bag so much - best purchase ever :)
    And yes to quirky bags - I dig the burger clutch! xo

  6. I love the ice cream one, and yes I would totally use a quirky bag! Gotta do it now before I get a little older and just look like a crazy bag lady, haha.

    ♥ perfectly Priya

  7. ahhh I love this round up! quirky bags are so cute, I wish I had some in my closet!

    Jessica |

  8. The ice cream one is one of my faves!

  9. I've been wearing it everywhere! I love it so much! Thanks!!!!!!

  10. Maybe a cute coin purse instead that looks like your favorite animal or food? :)

  11. I need an owl purse since I love owls!

  12. I just got the bag, and it was so cute! But it got kinda smashed in the shipping, and I couldn't get it to reform back into the correct shape, so I had to return it. :( I suppose I'm going to have to keep my eye out for a different quirky bag.

  13. That would be perfect! I just got a new wallet, which no longer has a coin zip pouch, so I need one!

  14. You can never have too many, and I also love love love love quirky bags! The black kitty, and the fox ones, are amazing.


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥