
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Outfit: My 25th Birthday

This past Sunday was my 25th birthday! I'm now a quarter of a century old! It's actually strange to think that I'm 25 years old. It's not that I thought my life would be completely different from what I imagined as a teenager (I have a job that I love and I'm mostly independent), but I kind of hoped I would be living on my own and be in a relationship. Sadly, I'm not making enough to live alone, and as to the second: there are just some things you can't rush or apply for. I'll just have to be my lovely, charming self while batting my eyelashes! Haha!

Anyway, about the outfit: I didn't wear this dress this past weekend, but I did wear it at a work event a few weeks ago. It was an all-day event at the Ritz-Carlton, so I wanted to look a little fancy, so of course I threw on the sparkliest necklace I own. But I also had to be comfortable since I was on my feet all day, so I went with my black ankle-strap wedges. 
Dress: Forever 21 | Necklace: Sammydress (only $6!) | Bracelet: Alex and Ani
Shoes: Kohls (old) | Lipstick: Covergirl's Smoochies in #Luv U

P.S. -- Have you entered my birthday giveaway?!

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  1. You look beautiful! I wish you a happy birthday again! In Turkey we have a saying people plan, angels laugh. It is a difficult thing for me too to accept that I can't control everything especially when you are learning to live with an auto-immune disease but the results are always better when you let it go. I missed many posts so I don't know if you go on work out but I can see the difference. You have become very fit. Best wishes..

  2. Happy birthday! Turning all years from 25 to 29 was weird for me ´cause my brain was stuck on 24, that´s the age I would automatically say until I turned 30. :) Great outfit!

  3. Happy birthday (again!) :D Birthdays are so strange to me; I've started losing count and I don't feel like I'm old enough to be allowed to forget how old I am, haha. I guess it's never been super important for me to keep track of, aside from being able to drive.

    Such a classy, simple, yet cute outfit too! I'm all about the comfort, as I'm sure you know.

  4. Happy belated birthday! 25 is still so young. You will have plenty of time to move out on your own and meet that special someone! Just keep having fun and being awesome. It'll happen. This outfit is so cute. Fancy while still being comfy. I love those shoes.

  5. Happy birthday again! You still have lots of time to live on your own and be in a relationship. You have your whole life ahead of you!

    The Tiny Heart

  6. Happy belated birthday! My birthday is today, how fun! Love that color on you!

  7. Happy belated birthday Sara! I hope that you had a great day. And I Love that dress- it's so classic.

  8. Happy belated birthday!! I love the dress on you!

    I totally understand what you mean about 25 and what you thought it would be when you were younger. I thought the same thing, and here I am living at home and single as can be. Both are just things that need to happen. So much harder than finding a job!

    xo Jackie
    Something About That

  9. Hope you had the happiest birthday!!! Love the dress paired with a sparkly necklace...really jazzes it up. :)

    xo erica

  10. Happy birthday! I hope your weekend was fabulous birthday weekend! Love the necklace btw ;)

  11. Don't rush things, they will come to you when the timing is perfect :) I love your dress too, super cute!

  12. So cute! I hope you had an awesome day!!

  13. I love the necklace! Happy birthday! And seriously, there's no rush in life. As a kid, I thought we all got married at age 21. "No child Kate, it's alcohol... not marriage."

  14. Thanks, Kate!! This comment made me feel better about it!

  15. Thank you so so so so much, Jessica!

  16. So true!! Why is finding a cute, good guy so hard to find? lol

  17. Thanks! Happy belated birthday to you too!

  18. Thank you! This made me feel a lot better!

  19. Haha, yeah I feel like 25 is definitely not old enough to forget, but I love that you do! You're an old soul!

  20. Thanks! Yes, I keep thinking I'm 24!

  21. That's a good saying and very very true! Thank you!!


Hello, beautiful! Thanks for leaving a comment!
Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥