
Monday, June 23, 2014

Sponsor Spotlight: Jess of Bookworms in Dresses + Giveaway!

Today Jess of Bookworms in Dresses is taking over my blog!

Hello there! I'm Jess from Bookworms in Dresses! I've amassed quite a hefty reading list for this summer (32 books!) summer is the perfect time to put a big dent in the reading list, so Let's explore the fantastic world of summer reading!

Reading on the beach! You always see books toted as "the perfect beach read" and all those commercials about which e-reader is the best for reading outside. I love reading on the beach! Or sitting on a porch near the beach and reading with the sounds of the ocean in the air. For the perfect beach reading set up: 
The summer reading list! For those studious kids who always want to get ahead! Either with a school designated summer reading list, educational books, or to read up on the classics. I used to read so many summer reading list books when I was in middle school and high school! The perfect set up for summer school reading is:
Picnic with books! Ah, is there anything better than sitting outside in the summer sun, snacking on some fresh food, and reading a book? There might be, but I'm sure if I've found it yet! The perfect summer book picnic includes:
Coffee shop reading! Settling down in the perfect corner table near the window is always a relaxing way to read through your summer book list. Meet up with a friend and you could even have an awesome two person book club started! The perfect coffee shop reading includes:
Those are my favorite ways to read books during the summer. Do you have any books you're excited to read this summer? Grab a blanket, curl up on the couch, or go outside if you feel the urge, and read a book!!

Now for an amazing giveaway!
You'll win 2 custom stickers (like these), an illustration, 
and a pair of handmade pencil earrings!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Stop by Jess' blog and say hello!

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  1. Those stickers are so cute! I'd probably get ones of my husband and daughter. If my husband had somewhere to put them, I'd get ones of my daughter and I.

  2. I feel gulity that I have not read a book in ages. But when I use to , I use to always read with coffee
    Keep in touch

  3. I'll do the coffee shop reading! I'm hooked on frappucino's lately, and I still have a pile of magazines to go through. Reading G.R.R. Martin wouldn't be a bad idea either... Then I can finally catch up on the GoT hype! (I have only ever seen the first episode, oops!)

  4. I love this post! I just wrote about how I want to read more so this post is so helpful and I've written down a lot of these books to read later on. :) As for the stickers, they are sooo cute! I'd love to get one of my hubby and I. :)

  5. I would give them to my best friend whom I love! (:

  6. I would get the two stickers of me and someone I love (:

  7. I love reading outside in the summer!

  8. My cat and my sister probably! Or my cat and my bestie... or my cat and me. @_@

  9. Jess always reads so many amazing books!


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥