
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Follow Me!

Hey guys! There's no Inspired By post today because I was feeling lazy AKA I've been busy reading this month's Novel Tea Book Club pick Etiquette & Espionage and obsessing over Outlander. Seriously, this show is so good!

I would love for you guys to join the Books & Looks series! Send me pictures with your favorite book and piece of clothing! 

If you're bored today, I would love for you to answer a few fun questions, so that I can get to know you lovely readers better!

Friend me on Goodreads! As always, you can follow my adventures on Instagram!

I'm also selling some clothes on Poshmark in case you guys are interested. 

Have a great day!

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  1. I wanna read Etiquette & Espionage so badly. I remember reading about that book on Kristin's blog and have wanted my own copy ever since.

  2. i wish i had books to participate in book and look

    have fun reading :)

    Keep in touch

  3. I'm actually planning on doing a photoshoot with a friend soon - I"ll have to try and include some books and looks pics too!

  4. I tried reading Etiquette & Espionage but I am not much of a murder mystery girl so I didn't finish it. I see some very cute clothes in your closet. Now if only I had the money.

  5. Oh my gosh, Outlander! I have been enjoying that show as well. Have you read the book series? I'm considering re-reading it from the beginning. :-)

  6. I just can't decide what I want to pick for my Look!

  7. I am going to try for Books and Looks.... eventually. Might help if I can decide what my favorite book is!

  8. I finally settled on a book to pair with my look, so hopefully I can find the time to take some photos. Funny you posted this because I'm feeling lazy today and opted out of typing up a Friday Favorites post.

  9. Yay!! I can't wait to see your pictures! Thanks!

  10. If you can't decide your favorite book, you could always pick a book for your favorite character or cover instead! Thanks!

  11. You'll find the perfect outfit at some point! :)

  12. No, I never read the books, but I'm considering it because I love the show so much!

  13. You could always pick your favorite magazine! :)

  14. It's good so far! I'm reading it kind of slowly because I'm busy, but it's a fun story!


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Have a lovely day!
~Sara ♥