Friday, July 25, 2014

Suitcase Essentials with

I'm more of a sit at home and read a book or hang out with my friends in a coffee shop type girl, but if given the chance I would take a trip to Las Vegas. reached out to me to share my suitcase essentials, or #AriaEssentials, if I were to stay at their classy and luxurious Aria hotel

Well, one usually associates Vegas with dancing, casinos, and bright lights, and I would definitely do that too (you only live once, right?), but I would also go to Vegas to eat (Aria has a Five50 Pizza Bar and Bar Mesa), to swim (they have three pools!), and to see amazing shows (like Cirque du Soleil's "Zarkana"). You spend your money on more than just casino games in Las Vegas.

Here are some things I would pack in my suitcase:

I would also include: my camera, facial wipes, deodorant, chargers, flats, and a cardigan. 

What are your suitcase essentials?

*This post is sponsored by, but all opinions are my own.*

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