Monday, October 20, 2014

Looks I Love {Fall}

I hope you all had a lovely weekend! Since I can't get enough of fall and could talk about it forever, here are some awesome fall outfits that we can all "oooh" and "ahhh" over together today. Which outfit is your favorite?
Embracing Fall Trends With Nordstrom Rack!
Perfect fall outfit: hat, plaid scarf, blazer & tall boots!

Working Girl
Loving white for fall & winter!

The Wool Ride
Lovely layering (plus everything looks cooler on a blue bike!)

sweater over a dress with tights and booties
Feminine and work-appropriate

Goodnight Macaroon
Pretty fall colors & prints

How Bethany Mota Went From Bullied Kid To YouTube Superstar #Refinery29
Plaid + layering = so cute!

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