Thursday, October 30, 2014

My Work Essentials

Now that I've been at Westchester Magazine for six months (though it somehow feels like I've been working there for both two years and only two weeks), I know what my everyday work essentials are AKA what I need to do my job. As a social media coordinator I obviously need to be connected to the internet pretty much 24/7, but I also need to be organized because I post for both the marketing department (the events) and editorial department (the online and in-print magazine), so here's what I use every day.

Computer -- I can't do my job without this fine piece of equipment. I have a PC at home, but I've been enjoying using a Mac at work, and I have to say I definitely like it.

iPad -- This is my personal iPad, but I use it everyday at work. I also use it at work events for live-tweeting and using Instagram.

Sticky Notes -- I've discovered that sticky notes help me keep things straight. I use sticky notes to right down my to-do lists that ways it's right there near my keyboard.

Notepad -- For long-term to-do lists I keep these on a notepad. It's also where I keep random information that I need to keep on hand.

Pocket Calendar -- There are lots of events and I have to go to all of them, so it helps to write them all down on this small calendar that way I know when I'm busy or not.

Mug -- I drink a lot of water at work. What is it about staring at a screen that makes me so dehydrated? I try to drink as much water as possible during the day because I forget when I get home.

Zipper Pouch -- Obviously for corralling my lip balms, lipsticks, and pens.

Extra: My Camera -- I may have bought my camera for personal use (and for this here blog of course), but I use it for work events as well.

P.S. -- What's in my work bag!

What are your work essentials?

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