Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Outfit: #BookOwl

When you're a #bookowl like myself, it means two things. 1. You read as many books as possible because owls are your spirit animal and they represent knowledge. 2. You buy anything and everything with owls on it. This t-shirt is just another owl-tastic thing I've added to my collection. It was too cute not get, right? And luckily I got it for only a few bucks on Poshmark. 

Isn't this little book adorable?! It goes into the plot and characters and background of Jane Austen's novels and as a self-proclaimed Austenite I couldn't pass it up. There are a bunch of others, like Shakespeare and Poe, in case you want a mini classic book. 
Top: via Poshmark | Jeans: American Eagle | Shoes: DSW
Book: Amazon | Bracelet: Bauble Bar | Bag: Target

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Monday, August 29, 2016

Pocket Book Reviews {August 2016}

Good reading months are the best! I was on a book-reading-roll! I devoured nine books that ranged from "oh, this is super awesome!" to "okay, this isn't bad" to "what the holy hell no." Let me know if you've read any of these or if you've been thinking of reading one of them. 

Kindred Spirits
♥ (4 hearts)

Written by Rainbow Rowell; If you broke Elena's heart, Star Wars would spill out. So when she decides to queue outside her local cinema to see the new movie, she's expecting a celebration with crowds of people who love Han, Luke and Leia just as much as she does. What she's not expecting is to be last in a line of only three people.

Star Wars! Awesome nerds! Fangirling! Cosplay! This little novella is right up my alley and it's cute too boot. I've never waited days to see a movie, but Elena's concerns (strangers, sleeping in the street, where to pee in the middle of the night) would be the same as mine. I like that the story was simple and not over-done or too romancy. I also liked how the "fake geek girl" and "fake geek boy" conversation went. I hear about this too often; if you like something enough to geek out over it then in my opinion you're a true fan and that's that. Overall, this is worth a read and I would've loved to read more!

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A Whole New World
♥ (4 hearts)

Written by Liz Braswell; This dark and daring version of Aladdin twists the original story with the question: What if Jafar was the first one to summon the Genie? When Jafar steals the Genie’s lamp, he uses his first two wishes to become sultan and the most powerful sorcerer in the world. 

This Aladdin retelling is like the Disney movies meets Mission Impossible and The Lunar Chronicles. That sounds far-fetched, but hear me out. In this alternate story, Aladdin never makes it out of the cave with the lamp; instead it ends up in the hands of Jafar. And what does he want? To break the rules of magic and get everyone to love him like mindless zombies. Sound familiar-ish? Hello Queen Levana! The Mission Impossible bit comes in when Aladdin and Co. try to stop Jafar. I really enjoyed this and for a book by Disney this was pretty dark, darker than I expected, and I think that's a good thing. And the ending! It changes everything!

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P.S. I Like You
 (5 hearts)

Written by Kasie West; While spacing out in chemistry class, Lily scribbles some of her favorite song lyrics onto her desk. The next day, she finds that someone has continued the lyrics on the desk and added a message to her. Soon, Lily and her anonymous pen pal are exchanging full-on letters—sharing secrets, recommending bands, and opening up to each other. Lily realizes she’s kind of falling for this letter writer. Only, who is he? 

How do I even express how much I liked this book? It's simply too cute for words! I liked it right from the beginning because of the fun premise and the quirky characters and the cliche but adorable misunderstandings. There's not much character development, but c'mon we all know why we're reading this: the adorbs love-to-hate romance! I also really liked the strong friendship between Lily and Isabel!

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Paper Princess (The Royals #1)
 (4 hearts)

Written by Erin Watt; Ella Harper is a survivor and alone after her mother's death. Until Callum Royal appears, plucking Ella out of poverty and tossing her into his posh mansion among his five sons who all hate her. All of the Royal boys want to send her back to the slums she came from, especially Reed.

Based on the pretty cover, you wouldn't expect this book to be teen erotica, but it totally is and it's HOT! *waves hand in front of face* The whole premise is slightly ridiculous and the drama is over the top, but it's the type of book where you don't even care because it's so fun to read. I like Ella and that she doesn't take shit from anyone, and the Royal brothers are tough and moody and care for their own.

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Broken Prince (The Royals #2)
 (4 hearts)

Written by Erin Watt; Reed Royal has it all—looks, status, money, but Reed never gave a damn about anyone but his family until Ella Harper walked into his life. But when one foolish mistake drives her out of Reed’s arms and brings chaos to the Royal household, Reed’s entire world begins to fall apart around him.

The first thing I need to say is: OMG THAT ENDING!!! This book starts right where the first one left off, but now we get glimpses into Reed's mind as well as Ella's, which adds an extra element that the first one didn't have and gives us some insight about the pressures of being a Royal. 

The good: This book is crazy intense, super dramatic, you don't know what going to happen next, and the ending is so unexpected and makes me want to read the next book immediately. The drama is definitely taken up a notch and I approve! 

The bad: The way Reed is so overprotective of Ella makes me cringe sometimes. He tells her things and it's not a request. It just is and she accepts it even though she doesn't have to and in the first book never would have. Gives me some Edward and Bella vibes that I don't like.

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The Sword of Summer (Magnus Chase #1)
 (4 hearts)

Written by Rick Riordan; Since his mother’s mysterious death, Magnus Chase has lived alone on the streets of Boston, surviving by his wits until one day he's tracked down by a man he's never met who tells him that Magnus is the son of a Norse god. The Viking myths are true and the gods of Asgard are preparing for war. 

A solid start to another series by Rick Riordan. Magnus is a chill guy and not your typical fight-first-ask-questions-later hero; he's more thoughtful and wants to know what the Helheim is going on. I love Sam because she's the fight-first kind of person and she's smart and her and Annabeth needs to be friends. I think at times the witticisms got in the way of the action and I was like yeah yeah humor let's get to the action and what's happening. But that's typical from a Riordan book. The story is all about preventing Ragnarök and I can't wait to see what happens in the rest of the series.

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(Haven't read the books pictured yet, but they're on my TBR)

Vinegar Girl
 (2 hearts)

Written by Anne Tyler; Kate Battista feels stuck. How did she end up running house and home for her eccentric scientist father and uppity, pretty younger sister Bunny? Dr. Battista has other problems. His research could help millions, but there’s only one problem: his brilliant young lab assistant, Pyotr, is about to be deported. When Dr. Battista cooks up an outrageous plan that will enable Pyotr to stay in the country, he’s relying – as usual – on Kate to help him. 

RANT TIME: So this wasn't horrible, but I found everything about this book annoying. None of the characters are likable, the story feels unemotional and choppy, and it just falls flat for me. Kate bothered me so much. She's an intelligent person and yet she keeps getting in trouble at work because she doesn't know how to talk to the kids or their parents. I get that she's honest and a bit coarse, but nowhere else does she seem obtuse except for at work. Pyotr is the only one I found moderately interesting, but most of the time he's a jerk and verges on being completely sexist. And Kate, who is supposed to be brutally honest, for some reason just goes along which this. Really? And Bunny was so infuriating I wish I could reach into the pages and slap her. 

I'll grant that this book has a bit of humor and the characters do get better by the end...a bit, but the story has no depth or emotion, so it didn't feel like that much changed. Which makes the story feel almost useless. And the fact that Anne Tyler hates Shakespeare, especially The Taming of the Shrew angers me so much. Why would you redo a story you hate? (Obviously in her eyes to make it better.) But I feel to truly create a good retelling you should appreciate (and like!) the original tale.

Sorry but this was a dud for me. *goes off to watch 10 Things I Hate About You because it's a better retelling*

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Lock & Mori 
 (3 hearts)

Written by Heather W. Petty; Before Sherlock and Moriarty were mortal enemies, they were much more. FACT: Someone has been murdered in London’s Regent’s Park. FACT: Miss James “Mori” Moriarty and Sherlock “Lock” Holmes are out crashing a crime scene. FACT: Lock has challenged Mori to solve the case before he does. Challenge accepted. FACT: Despite agreeing to Lock’s one rule—they must share every clue with each other—Mori is keeping secrets.

If you like your Sherlock Holmes with a side of romance then this is for you. Sherlock and Mori make an interesting pair because they're both highly intelligent, complicated, and socially awkward. I think they are good together, but for two people who are so awkward it wasn't entirely believable how quickly they got together. 

The first half of this novel focuses heavily on the romance and moves a little slowly, but the second half is ALL about the murder mystery, so the pace picks up and the book gets a whole lot more interesting. BUT I had one big issue with the murder mystery: it wasn't a mystery at all who was killing all those people! ITS SO FREAKING OBVIOUS WHO'S DOING IT! Like come on! How does no one see this?! How does Sherlock, who's so good at deducing, not see it? It boggles the mind. Despite that, the book is a solid-ish read.

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Welcome Back, Vol. 1
 (3 hearts)

Written by Christopher Sebela and Jonathan Brandon Sawyer; Mali and Tessa have lived hundreds of different lives throughout time, caught up in an eternal cycle as they take part in a war so old that neither side remembers what they’re fighting for anymore. Mali becomes self-aware and starts to question everything, especially why she continues to fight. But elsewhere, Tessa is already on the hunt.

I really liked this because the story grabs you right from the beginning with its interesting, moody characters, tons of action, and fascinating premise. However, I only gave it 3 stars because I found it confusing at times because nothing is explained and because the art completely changed halfway through. I know comics are drawn by different people sometimes, but the art is very different and I preferred the art at the beginning. I would read keep the series though because I want to know what happens.

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Friday, August 26, 2016

Inspired By: August Reads

I didn't read as many books this month, but the ones I did read I greatly enjoyed! I'll be sharing my reviews on Monday, but in the meantime let's dress like the characters in some fantastic books! Of the books below, P.S. I Like You is my favorite. I got the e-book and loved it and was thinking about getting a physical copy, and what do you know? It came in this month's Owlcrate! I get this subscription box full of wonderful bookish things every month, so you can see what I got here on my Instagram

P.S. I Like You
P.S. I Like You
Written by Kasie West; While spacing out in chemistry class, Lily scribbles some of her favorite song lyrics onto her desk. The next day, she finds that someone has continued the lyrics on the desk and added a message to her. Soon, Lily and her anonymous pen pal are exchanging full-on letters—sharing secrets, recommending bands, and opening up to each other. Lily realizes she’s kind of falling for this letter writer. Only, who is he? 

An outfit kind of inspired by bully Cade, who would probably wear a "Thanks but no thanks" t-shirt, ripped jeans, mustache earrings, and galaxy sneakers. Or go for a Lily-inspired outfit of a chambray dress, floral headphones, flower ring, and red Converse. 

Kindred Spirits
Kindred Spirits
Written by Rainbow Rowell; If you broke Elena's heart, Star Wars would spill out. So when she decides to queue outside her local cinema to see the new movie, she's expecting a celebration with crowds of people who love Han, Luke and Leia just as much as she does. What she's not expecting is to be last in a line of only three people.

Gabe is one of the guys Elena meets on the line, so throw on a classic Star Wars t-shirt, a blue jacket, jeans, a Star Wars beanie, and blue Converse. Or if you want to dress like Elena, then wear a fun "The Force is strong with this one" tank, olive jacket, light jeans, an R2-D2 travel mug, and navy booties.

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Welcome Home, Vol. 1
Welcome Home
Written by Christopher Sebela and Jonathan Brandon Sawyer; Mali and Tessa have lived hundreds of different lives throughout time, caught up in an eternal cycle as they take part in a war so old that neither side remembers what they’re fighting for anymore. Mali becomes self-aware and starts to question everything, especially why she continues to fight. But elsewhere, Tessa is already on the hunt.

Both Tessa, the "bad guy," and Mali, the main character, wear lots of black and dark colors, so if you're feeling like a bad ass then put on a moto jacket, an "I Slay" shirt, black jeans, and lace-up boots. Or throw on a denim jacket, a "Normal is Boring" tank, jean shorts, thigh high socks, and black heeled booties. 

Paper Princess
Paper Princess
Written by Erin Watt and Elle Kennedy; Ella Harper is a survivor and alone after her mother's death. Until Callum Royal appears, plucking Ella out of poverty and tossing her into his posh mansion among his five sons who all hate her. All of the Royal boys want to send her back to the slums she came from, especially Reed.

Fair warning that this book is romance, but it also has some erotica, which you might not expect from the cover since it doesn't have a shirtless man. Both of these outfits are based on Ella: the first is her "poor" clothing of a plaid shirt, jeans, striped backpack, and brown flats. Or instead wear a fancier, party outfit like this black dress, a simple necklace, a gold crown ring, and nude heels. 

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Would you read any of these books?
Which is your favorite outfit?

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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Outfit: When In Doubt, Go To The Library + Giveaway!

My life motto is "When in doubt, go to the bookstore" because my local Barnes and Nobles has been one of my favorite places to pass the time since I was a teenager. And it also helps that there's a mini Starbucks inside. However, the library is a very close second! I'm lucky to have three libraries within 20 minutes of my home, so I'm not lacking in places to find books. 

Because I love the library and because this is a quote from book lover Hermione, there's no way I could resist this "When in doubt, go to the library" tote from Alohomora Design. Clearly, Alli of Alohomora Design is a Potterhead herself (the name of her shop is a good indication!) because she has several Harry Potter tote bags

Not only do I like her shop for her affinity for geek and pop-culture quotes (Stanger Things! Broad City! Sherlock!), but all of her totes comes in five colors and you can choose between gold or black ink, so there are several options for you. I got my tote bag in black with gold ink because it just looks so freaking cool! All of the totes are $15, so book and pop-culture lovers take a look!
Tote: ℅ Alohomora Design | Cardigan: Wet Seal
Dress: Forever 21 | Shoes: Payless

Win an Alohomora Design tote bag of your choice!
U.S. only. Giveaway ends September 3rd.

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Monday, August 22, 2016

Favorite 2016 Reads (So Far)

We're more than halfway through the year and I've managed to read both newly-published books and books I've been wanting to read for years. Since an avalanche of fantastic books have been published in 2016, I wanted to share my favorite reads of the year in case you're looking for a new book or want to get a second opinion about these fresh fiction selections. 

Below are new books (in no particular order) that I adore along with a quote from my book review:

 Love Charms & Others Catastrophes -- "I really loved Hijiri's POV because we got to see how love charms are actually made."

 Scarlett Epstein Hates It Here -- "I found myself laughing out loud (literally!) on almost every single page. I like that this book is a darker, raunchier, sassier version of Fangirl."

 I Am Princess X -- "I got so into it that I read it in 24 hours! I literally couldn't put this book down because I had to know what would happen and whether Libby really was alive." 

 The Forbidden Wish -- "The Forbidden Wish took the main plotline from Aladdin and made it better. I don't want to give too much away because the joy is in seeing it unfold as you read it."

 A Study in Charlotte -- "This book is delightful and smart and focuses on deduction (obviously) and the growing, at times strained, and strange relationship between Charlotte Holmes and James Watson."

 Lois Lane Double Down -- "The story is exciting and fun and suspenseful and has a modern-meets-1940s investigative feel with a bad ass heroine!"

 Madly -- "It's set in the 21st century, but magic and potions and fantastical creatures (unicorns!) exist. It could be weird, but somehow it works. It didn't feel forced or strange."

 Jane Steele -- "Is it horrible if I like this fresh, Gothic retelling of Jane Eyre more than the original? (Probably. But I do.) Jane Steele is Eyre's story for a modern audience. It's raw, emotional, sensual, bloody, thought-provoking, and a damn good read."

 This Savage Song -- "This book is an absolute gem! It's dark, strange, scary, thought-provoking, and beautiful. The characters are what make this story sing (pun intended). I would follow these characters anywhere!"

 P.S. I Like You -- "How do I even express how much I liked this book? It's simply too cute for words!"

 My Lady Jane -- "My Lady Jane is a mix of tweaked history, humor, and magic--and it's so well done. It sounds like an odd combination and yet it works because the three wonderful main characters."

So far I've read a nice mix of fantasy and contemporary, and funnily enough, every book listed was written by a woman! I used to read more books by men than women, but now it's the reverse. Not that it really matters since it's the synopsis that makes me want to read a book and not the gender of an author, but it's amusing how things have changed. 
 A Court of Mist and Fury
 All The Feels
 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
 The Woman in Cabin 10
 The Yoga of Max's Discontent
 Ghostly Echoes (pub date: August 23)
 The Call (pub date: August 30)
 The Thousandth Floor (pub date: August 30)
 Three Dark Crowns (pub date: September 20)
 Vassa in the Night (pub date: September 20)
 Crooked Kingdom (pub date: September 27)
 Frost (pub date: October 11)
 Timekeeper (pub date: November 1)
 Heartless (pub date: November 8)
 Ever the Hunted (pub date: December 27)

My list of books that I want to read (and just the ones published this year!) could go on forever, so I tried to keep it short. You can see all of the books I want to read on my TBR Goodreads list

Have you read any of these?
What 2016 books are on your TBR?

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Friday, August 19, 2016

Inspired By: Jane Austen's Works

Because Jane Austen's works have remained treasured classics for over two hundred years and because I simply can't get enough of them (putting this post together made me want to re-read all of her novels!), I decided to create modern outfits based on four of her beloved books. 

Pride and Prejudice
Pride & Prejudice
{Pride & Prejudice}

Jane Austen's witty comedy of manners tells the story of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet's five unmarried daughters after the rich and eligible Mr. Bingley and his status-conscious friend, Mr. Darcy, have moved into their neighborhood.

My favorite classic book! I've read it a few times now and I re-watch the movies and miniseries based on it way too often. For an outfit that's perfect for sitting at home and ignoring your mother, wear a pale pink dress and sky blue flats (or throw on teal Converse to trudge through mud). Or if you're invited to a dance, put on a brocade print dress, feather ring, and nude heels. 

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Anne Elliot was once happily betrothed to naval officer, Frederick Wentworth, but she broke off the engagement; something she ends up deeply regretting. Later when Wentworth returns from sea a rich and successful captain, he finds Anne's family on the brink of financial ruin. Will Anne and Wentworth be reunited in their love?

This book is not appreciated enough in my opinion. Anne is a quietly strong woman and the only person who sees it is Wentworth. For listening and tending to others, put on a white sleeveless top, light blue skirt, and black flats. Or throw on a striped red dress, sailboat earrings, and brown oxford flats. 

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Northanger Abbey
Northanger Abbey
Catherine Morland is an innocent seventeen-year-old from a country parsonage. While spending a few weeks in Bath with a family friend, Catherine meets and falls in love with Henry Tilney, who invites her to visit his family estate, Northanger Abbey. Once there, Catherine, a great reader of Gothic thrillers, lets the shadowy atmosphere of the old mansion fill her mind with terrible suspicions.

I would describe this book is a rom-com meets Gothic parody. Catherine is me if I lived in the 19th century and Mr. Tilney will always be one of my favorite characters. *swoon* Explore a dark and mysterious castle while wearing a burgundy dress, gray cardigan, key necklace, and black flats. Or put on a black printed dress, book necklace, and lace-up burgundy wedges.

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Beautiful, clever, rich, and single Emma Woodhouse sees no need for either love or marriage. Nothing, however, delights her more than interfering in the romantic lives of others. But when she ignores the warnings of her good friend Mr. Knightley and attempts to arrange a suitable match for her protegee Harriet Smith, her carefully laid plans soon unravel and have consequences that she never expected.

I remember first reading Emma and hating it because Emma is so self-centered, but by the end I loved it. She's definitely one of Austen's most flawed characters. Be a matchmaker and find love in a white lace dress, pink cardigan, and pink wedges. Or instead in a blue floral dress, polka dot scarf, and nude flats.

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P.S. -- Inspired by The Lizzie Bennet Diaries!

Which is your favorite Jane Austen book?

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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Recent Clothing & Accessory Purchases I Love

Due to a combination of it being too damn hot to go outside for more than 30 seconds and having a bad sunburn, I didn't get a chance to take outfit pictures this past week. So instead I thought I'd share some recent purchases that I've been loving and that I think you all might like. I don't have a lot to share because I've been really good about not overspending on clothes.

Looking at it all together like this, I'm seeing a bit of a color obsession. My love of burgundy is still going strong!
Recent Purchases
Recent Purchases:
 JoTotes Camera Bag
 American Eagle Sateen Jeggings
 American Eagle Lace Bra -- The one I got is sold out, but this is similar Pouch
 Jordanene Ilvermorny Alumni Tank
 Keds Striped Sneakers -- My Keds are very similar
 Target Merona Mini Satchel in Wild Cherry

What are some recent purchases you love?

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Monday, August 15, 2016

6 #Bookstagram Props To Use

If you're on Instagram and a book nerd, then there's a good chance you've taken a #boostagram picture because it's just plain fun! It's not just setting up the picture that's enjoyable, it's writing the caption and adding hashtags and then perusing those hashtags for people with similar tastes in books. It's an awesome community right at your fingertips, which is why I love it! 

So whether you're a bookstagram pro or a newbie, I thought I'd share my favorite props to use in my Instagram pictures. 

ONE | Candles
Obviously, I don't just use candles for bookstagram pictures because who wouldn't want their home to smell like a cafe or Winterfell? But I love including candles because they always add a warm glow to all of my pictures and add a little extra coziness. 

TWO | Mugs & Teacups
Doesn't matter whether you drink coffee, tea, or all of the tears you shed from your latest read, adding a cute mug full of liquid heaven (I prefer iced tea!) looks great next to a book and adds that "Oh, I'm just sitting here reading and I happened to take a picture of it" look. 

My favorites: Barnes & Noble, DriinkyMelville House, and Marshall's. 

THREE | Brooches & Pins
If you're like me and somehow manage to acquire more and more bookish pins every single day, but somehow also manage to forget to wear them outside then show them in your bookstagram pictures. Genius, right? They're too cool not to show off!

My favorites: Hot TopicTaryn DrawsKookoobird, and Etsy. 

FOUR | Bookmarks
Magnetic, wooden, paper, or metalif you've got 'em flaunt 'em. Don't hide your pretty, little bookmarks; include them in your pictures, especially if they correspond to the picture, like pairing a Belle magnetic bookmark with Beauty, a Beauty and the Beast retelling. 

FIVE | Fandom Merch
Tell the world you love [fill in the blank here], whether it's Harry Potter, Jane Austen, Supernatural, Game of Thrones, Star Wars, Star Trek, or Rainbow Rowell, show off your nerdy side with all of the cool stuff you've collected. Because we know you've got it. I sometimes like to include Hermione's wand, my Funkos, my Pride and Prejudice stickers, my Chocolate Frog cards, or my fandom jewelry to my pictures. There's nothing better than connecting with people who love the same fandom as you!

SIX | Whatever You Have Lying Around The House
Sometimes the best props are everyday things you have in your house that you use every all the time. Here are some ideas: plants, blankets or scarves to use as backdrops, fairy lights, headphones, necklaces, mini chalkboards, magnifying glasses, nail polish, lipstick, serving trays, mini globes, tea, your phone, or even food. Seriously, if you have it in your home and you think it looks cool, then use it in your bookstagram pictures!

What are your favorite props to use? 

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Friday, August 12, 2016

Lusting: Bookish Brooches

I found some cool bookish pins that I had to share with you guys! Etsy is such a treasure trove of delicious, little gems. I seriously want all of these, but specifically the girl with the stack of books that says, "Always hungry for me." That is so me, and I'm sure it's a lot of you too. And how cool is the wood-cut one? And you can get the "I'd rather be a wizard" pin as a keychain or a pocket mirror! Which is your favorite?
Bookish Pins

Do you like bookish pins?
Do you have any?

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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Outfit: Fall Vibes

I am SO ready for fall! And this outfit just screams fall to me: the dark florals, the little jacket, the gray jeans, and the cranberry bag (so cute, right?). Fall weather is still a month and a half away, but I'll still pretend with fall colors. 

On an unrelated note, I started watching Stranger Things because the whole world seems to be talking about it right now and it's good! The mix of sci-fi, drama, and horror works so well in this nostalgic 80s setting. I'm five episodes in and I don't want it to end, but I also need to know what happens. Anyone else watching it?
Jacket: old | Top: Marshalls | Jeans: American Eagle
Shoes: DSW | Bag: Target

Are you ready for fall?

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