Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Outfit: Business Casual Friday

How cute is this skirt? I saw it in someone's "closet" on Poshmark for $15 and I had to get it. It's a simple black skirt, but the scallops and cut-outs make it a little more special. Shopping on Poshmark is like thrifting though; it's hit or miss because you search for stuff and you either find stuff you like or you don't. And if you do buy something, it's still hit or miss because there's no store to try it on in. You just get it in the mail and hope. But despite all this, I've found some great stuff on Poshmark. 

If you're wondering about the background in my pictures, this is my dad's backyard. There are three levels to it: the first part has chairs and a hot tub (yes, my dad has a hot tub), the second part is a small grassy area, and the third part has a small playground for my sister, a trampoline, and a vegetable garden. Pretty cool, right?
Tee: via Poshmark | Skirt: via Poshmark | Wedges: Kohls (old)
Watch: Fossil | Bag: Old Navy

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