Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Outfit: Radiant Orchid

You guys know that I'm over the moon excited that Radiant Orchid is Pantone's color of the year, so I was even more excited when I was walking around Old Navy (with a gift card I won from The Curly Casualista) and spotted this top. True, Radiant Orchid is more of a spring color, but I couldn't stop myself from wearing it immediately. 

I also wanted to show you my new bag! Now that I've graduated, I wanted a more professional purse; something that was classic in color, had lots of pockets, and was big enough to fit my iPad Mini and a notebook (among lots of other things), but not so big that it was half my size. I'll still be using my beloved crossbody bags since I don't cart that much around with me on a regular day, so my new purse is mostly for work days. 
Cardigan: Target | Top: Old Navy | Jeans: Hollister | Scarf: gift | Necklace: American Eagle
Bag: Target | Booties: Aeropostale | Ampersand Ring: Fifth & Mae | Knot Ring: gift
Nail polish: Opi's Iris I Was Thinner & Sally Hansen Deeply Violet

Happy Tuesday, friends!

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